Calvinator Auto Corp

To comment on the Yugo engineering team, we spent 5 trillion dollars per year on trying to train them on how to build actual cars for about 7 years and just fired them last month cause all they did to show what they learned is put a CV8 Warrior engine used in the latest Model C Warrior in the Yugo and test drove it. Need I say more?

If I may add ; where exactly did you get all this money?

Weren’t you already doing that


You mean you spent half of US foreign debt to teach the Yugo team to how to build worse cars than ever before?


We tried to teach them to build cars that didn’t shred like tin foil. They did however break the land speed record, but Calvinator had to be shut down in the process till 2011. We then hired a Highschool graduate team and paid 100K for their training and in 3 weeks, they came up with a car with a top speed of 200 mph but an MPG of 35 and the cars is mostly steel with only a 30K budget. They will come back to us sometime in August with the official concept.

Don’t need to do that, all the cars your companies make are made of concrete


So, they came up with something that actually can be sold to the public and you trashed it?

Actually @Speedemon, just Calvinator makes Lead Heavy cars. Royals and Deloreans are quite light. We also have CRM (Calvinator Racing Machines) which builds a majority of our race cars and they are feather weights.

@Ornate That is the concept car they came up with. They are working on aesthetics so that it looks like something from tomorrow, not 1980.

May I formally enqire to if we’re ever going to see these cars?

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The density of lead is about 11340kg/m^3… concrete is about 2400 kg/m^3.

Damn man, he suggested your cars were made of concrete, but I guess you’re really shooting for the stars!


I wasn’t being literal.

@Fayeding_Spray, you already have. They make cars that look just like Calvinator’s, including the Super Wagon, strip them of unecessary weight, put Twin Supercharged versions of the current CV8 Warrior Engine in them, and NOS. But they aren’t allowed to use CAC funds for any repurposed cars, which is why they will soon build their own.

sorry, my bad. It’s a little difficult to tell what’s for real in this thread, and what’s not.


I would like to see at least one of your cars go near 1000 kg mark.

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So… I came in here and read through all of this… and I feel like I deserve a medal for perseverance. Give.

I also have received a headache. No joke. :dizzy_face:


Yes, we will probably see one…when pigs can fly…

Actually… Are these car file uploads here so we can modify them?


I’m not sure you’re the creator of these cars, actually

You don’t know my history with Quality spam.

Your spam isn’t quality. Now back to the posted question - can we modify these uploads?