Car Company Directory

Name of car company: Walther Automobile Engineering
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1931
Country: U.S.A.
Company ID: 1931636

Name of car company: Fujiyoshida Autocomp
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1924
Country: Japan
Company ID: 1924919

Name of car company: Issakskiy Avtostroitel’nyy Zavod (Issak/IAZ)
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1969
Country: U.S.S.R. (Now Russia)
Company ID: 1969341

Name of car company: Autofirma Schraden GmbH
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1961
Country: West Germany (Germany)
Company ID: 1961414

Name of car company: Pravi Automobil
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1982
Country: Yugoslavia (Now Croatia)
Company ID: 1982265

Name of car company: Mike Pollit Racing Cas
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1973
Country: Canada
Company ID: 1973411

Name of car company: Automobili Bandini S.p.A
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1949
Country: Italy
Company ID: 1949438

Name of car company: Motos Étalons (Etalon)
Owner of company: @th3maldonado
Established: 1934
Country: France
Company ID: 1934192

Name of Car Company: JS Performa
Owner of company: Joutes Sousa
Website or Forum thread: New tuning house: JS Performa open for business!
Established: 2021 1st April
Company ID: #2021605

Name of Car Company: ZKF AG
Owner of Company: @BannedByAndroid
Website of Forum Thread: WIP
Country: :de: Germany (original), :de:/:cn: Germany/China (relaunch)
Thread Created: 2021
Established: 1899 - 1980 (original), 2012 (brand relaunch)
Company ID: 1899567 (original), 2012776 (brand relaunch)

Name of car company: Automobiles Picard

Owner of company: @Mad_Cat

Established: 1937

Country: France

Company ID: 1937696

Name of car company: Alira (parent company: Alira Group)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: USA (Oregon)

Forum Thread: Alira- A Quick History

Established: 1949

Company ID: 1949218

Name of car company: Warlock (parent company: Alira Group)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: USA (Wisconsin)

Forum Thread: coming very soon!

Established: 1940

Company ID: 1940218

Name of car company: Warbler (filler brand, no lore)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: USA

Forum Thread: maybe as part of the main Alira Group thread once created?

Established: 1900 (filler, so it doesn’t matter)
Company ID: 1900218

Name of car company: Sunset Garage (parent company: Alira Group)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: USA (California)

Forum Thread: coming very soon!

Established: 2008

Company ID: 2008218

Name of car company: Flaner (filler brand, no lore)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: France

Forum Thread: maybe as part of the main Alira Group thread, once it is created?

Established: 1924 (filler, so it doesn’t matter)

Company ID: 1924218

Name of car company: Kanji (filler brand, no lore)

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: Japan

Forum Thread: maybe as part of the main Alira Group thread, once it is created?

Established: 1931 (again, filler, so this is really only for the id’s sake)

Company ID: 1931218

Name of car company: Bahama

Owner of company: @HelloHi

Country: US (formerly Texas, moved to Oregon)
Forum Thread: coming soon!

Established: 1955

Company ID: 1955218

Name of Car Company: Arlington Automotive Industries
Somervell (US luxury brand)
Callahan (US low-cost brand)
Bowie (truck brand)
Waldersee (Think GM and Opel before they broke up)
Owner of company: Texaslav
Forum thread: Arlington Automotive Industries [1924007]
Established: 1924
Forum Activity Commenced: 2021
Country: Texas, pardner United States
Company ID: #1924007

Just as an FYI for the future, several companies can be combined into the same post. No need to post several in a row to cover that.