Collaboration for create new cars

Hi guys, I’m Italian, I’m looking for collaborators for a new project. I have good knowledge in the creation of new Italian engines or replicas like Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati. I admit, however, that there are major shortcomings in the field of design. So I look for someone who is good at the aesthetic part of the creation, while I will take care of the engine part and setup. Someone available?

Take a look at my design studio thread and pm me if it’s what you are looking for.

I’d be happy to collaborate, design is my forte over making good engines.

Hey, i want to know how you work together on one car. Which files (and where are they) do you send each other?

Send a .car file (finish building the car and then export from Automation, not into BeamNG. You can find the file in your steamapps/common/automation/carsaveexport)

I’d also be happy to design a car or two, right now all I really do are CSRs

simple. you create the aesthetic part, I think of the engine and the final setup.

I prefer to do as said. I only deal with creating the engine and the final setup on a body already made.

send me a pm to talk better about the collaboration.

In the end, i found it out by myself but i’m thankful you also tried to help^^