Countries in a nutshell?

I was watching the recent dev update, and I’m still quite curious about each country’s nuances, particularly as of the most recent updates. That said, would anyone mind giving a rundown of each nation’s quirks and main markets?

Gasmea is USA, so they dont mind about fuel economy, but they like power, comfort and automatic transmissions and safety.
Archana is less developed so cheaper cars that are cheap to repair and run of low octane fuel sell better
Fruinia is like europe so a lot of safety and low emissions are needed. Also quite like fast cars.

Not to come across as racist, but I suspect Archana is akin to India/Africa. They just want something that will physically function on a hope and a prayer.


Those and also cold war Soviet Russia. Maybe not modern Russia.

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Also in modern Russia there’s a …certain lack of middle class, so while the wealthy have no problems driving their panameras to the repairshop, the less fortunate are stuck in buckets like Camry and Hyundais, where reliability is your GOOOOOOOOD, everything else you just thankful for, even if it’s not a lot.
Also there’s the poor class, where Chinese cars and Russian cars are being used a lot, those are… everything the japanese boringbuckets are… just not reliable to boot.

Gasmea is North America/Australia

Fruinia is western Europe, maybe a bit of bias toward the Mediterranean coast.

Archana is general third world but seems to have been modelled a lot like the USSR was.

And of course the new nations have been explained.

Is there any plan to add more countries maybe? With more unique nuances

The latest update added 2 new nations to the game, with more unique needss.

The eventual grand campaign will use the real world divided into regions (as far as I know, grouping nations with similar buying habits together), so that will be the one with “more countries.” I don’t think there’s a plan to add more to the lite campaign continent.

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That would be great. Is there any more word of this officially?