Game Timeframe Expanded Back to 1900?

I know that currently the game seems to be designed with a 1946-present scale, and that the idea is to come in with a new company in the heyday of the auto-boom in a sense, but is there any plans, (probably as DLC I imagine) to let you start even earlier, say in the teens, twenties…perhaps even earlier than that, right at the dawn of the automobile and thus truly shape the way cars are viewed?

As far as I can see, the devs dont have any of this in mind, but I can imagina that there is people going to try and make mods to go back to the very first car from Benz, the 1hp power carriage.

I personally am not waiting for anything earlier than the war, since after the war it really got booming and interesting, partially also because of the research boom that happened during the war for military research becoming available publicly.

There was another topic on this already, the Dev’s aren’t going to set the game start time to pre-war times, as they’d have to design different body styles for just that short period. They also mentioned that they’re targeting the specific timeframe of starting post-war, when car manufacturing really started taking off.

I figured those would be the answers, but wanted to ask anyway. As for a search, I did one and got 10 pages talking about chassis and the merits of different body construction methods. So I just assumed it wasn’t brought up yet.

Post war is, in my opinion, when modern car manufacturing really took off.

Before that there is a lot of horrible stuff to deal with like building chassis for bespoke coachbuilders to put bodies on, weird chain drive cars, band brakes, bodies that are so blocky and coach like that our car design system won’t really work at all. I also think that the 1900 - 1940 part of other games like Detroit was usually the weakest and least fun part, as tech was advancing slowly, all your cars were horrible and the market for cars was pretty small anyhow, I’d rather not put effort into that and instead spend that time making the rest of the game better :slight_smile:

Once again, perfectly understandable.

Coming from something like Detroit, I’d also say that it would be rather boring. Everyone just has the same stuff, because technology didn’t allow for many differences in specifications other than size of the motor and type of the car and you basicly get wiped either in 1. or 2. World War, if your Company doesn’t run well enough and hell if I know what the AI does to keep like a 10 times score on me in everything altough I sell the best stuff for the cheapest price >.<