Is the Turbo tech still static?

I’ve not really kept entirely on top of the development of the game in the last little while, so i was wondering what the status on turbo tech was?

Last i heard i think it was running permanently in 80’s mode regardless of quality or year of production…

Is this still the case?


Currently, yes. The devs have stated other options are coming. I think that VGTs (that will be like VVL is now) and superchargers are on the to do list. I imagine Mr. Killrob will chime in any moment with a better answer. Personally I am looking forward to a forced induction revamp. That being said the devs have stated development of the engine tech has been suspended for a few updates (campaign, more exterior styling, etc). I suspect some turbo tweaks will come with the (hopefully) forthcoming diesel update.

*Some of this information may be outdated.


Indeed there is no real news regarding turbos, what is mentioned in the FAQ is still the current status. The Forced Induction Revamp will make its way into the game before it is considered done, and that will happen most likely once the grand campaign is mostly implemented. :slight_smile:
Diesels are NOT part of the core game under any circumstances though @mcp928 :wink:
But yeah, the turbos you’re currently using do not progress much in tech and for the most part represent 80s turbo technology when it comes to general performance.


I knew you’d be around eventually. Nice to see the devs so involved. Still sad news about the lack of diesel despite the very active rumor mill. Never the less I made a 4BT anyway, even if it runs on gas… Can we at least have superchargers?

Jupp, superchargers are mentioned in the FAQ :slight_smile: check it out!