
Come here anytime to find your way to any individual review we do, locate a specific release or read over our previous auto show coverage posts, this place will remain continually updated as we publish content.

Author bios

2018 New York International Auto Show: press day 1 // press day 2

Post NYIAS reviews: Giant test (Sachiuri vs Enactor)

Nathan drives the Nohda Shourai

Matt tries on two versions of the GBSC MV350

Giant test: LZA TX-500 vs Maine Motors Guerilla

Bruno reports on Auto China

Nathan García maxes out an Azanti Asada

Kuro Nakahara’s Joyride

Nathan tries out Antiyita

Kuro Nakahara puts the Seiryu through its paces

Bruno and Nathan get a taste of Goodwood

Bruno tries out the suave RJM 35R

Giant test: Battle of the Hot Hatches

Bruno and Nathan cover the hottest rumours at the LA Auto Show

Matt’s D segment sedan test [ONGOING]

Nathan’s B segment hatchback test [ONGOING]

Justin takes a stab at the newest releases of 2019 at NAIAS: press day 1 // press day 2

Justin visits New York: press day 1


(you should be redirected to Google Drive)



Read our newly released, in-depth test of the Enactor Estate Roamer and Sachiuri sL600x, released at NYIAS, by clicking on the image above. You should be redirected to Google Drive.
Our thanks to @Leonardo9613, @DeusExMackia and @Rk38 for this fantastic opportunity.
Please be aware when reading that sections that begin with an encircled B are by Bruno and an encircled G are by Nathan.
Feedback, thoughts and criticisms are welcome and the writers are here to take any questions or clarify any doubts. (Note: we will continue to work on trying to reduce the excessive lengthiness.)


Nathan Garcia drives the new Nohda Shourai and gives his thoughts about it! Is it promising?
(Props to @Dorifto_Dorito for the car!)
(Click on the image to go to Google Docs)


Feedback, thoughts and criticisms are welcome.


Yes, now the length of the article is perfect IMO, not too short and crude, but not too long and boring either, you managed to keep interest up during the whole review, nice work.

I know this review is a bit late, it was supposed to come out shortly after New York, but better late than never right?

Matt Sierra’s Short Reviews: GBSC MV350 Ampere and GTE.
Thanks to @Fayeding_Spray for kindly providing the cars for the review.
(Click on the images to go to Google Docs)

Once again, feedback, criticism and corrections are much appreciated :smiley:


Two Trucks, One Idiot. Nicholas Justinian Drives the LZA TX-500 And the Maine Guerilla to find out which is best.



Cross shopping for a crossover? Nathan García maxes out an Azanti Asada and gives his thoughts.

(Props to @titleguy1 for lending me the car and @Dorifto_Dorito for proofreading the text! Click on the image to go to Google Docs.)


As always, feedbacks, criticisms and suggestions for the writing are more than welcome :wink:


How do I submit some of my brand’s cars for you to review? Do I need to make photoshop pictures or can I just send you the press car as a file and you make it?

Main post has the answers:

Ah okay, my bad. How do I get word out to do that? Any suggestions?

Contact one of our writers and ask politely. However don’t do it now. We’re currently close to exam season so your request would most likely be totally ignored

Alright! I’ll wait then, because I also have exams coming up. I feel your pain. Thank you guys!

From issue 392: Kuro Nakahara’s Joyride, Kimura TK-R.

(Props to @titleguy1 for lending me the car!)

(It’s something new I wanted to try out and I don’t know if it’s good or not, so feedback is highly appreciated :smiley:)


I like these, a small column on an iconic car or future classic, next to full reviews.


From Issue 394: Nathan García drives the Zenshi Seiryu.

(Props to @Grandea for lending me the car! Click on the image to make it bigger.)

(As always, comments, critique and thoughts are encouraged! :smiley: )

EDIT: forgot to mention the engine was designed by Cavallera.


Click to open in Google Drive. Thanks to @titleguy1.

OOC: My sincere apologies for this having taken so long, in short I burned myself out totally with the visual work of this review and had very little motivation to go back and finish it. Which is why it’s here so late and not quite as high quality. This doesn’t really reflect anything upon the car, just on me.


I’ve got to say this is one of the most well-done reviews I’ve seen on the forum. The writing and the presentation were both stunning; I’m so honored that you chose my car to go full overboard with. Bravo!


MotorNation wants your Premium 4 door D-Segment cars!

Important information:

Body style can either be a sedan or a liftback.

They should roughly cost $50,000 with a 50~60% markup

Trim Year 2018/19

Please keep in mind that submission does NOT guarantee a review. We will be selecting our favorite examples for the article. Please send all entries to me :slight_smile:

Deadline: 26th August 2018


That means that cars that are sent in unsolicited will be ignored.