my thoughs exactly
Whaddaya think?
or should I think of something else, we still got time- keep this
- no, rather Family Sports Utility Premium
- something else completely
0 voters
my thoughs exactly
0 voters
It’s too close to the CSR round to work, and with far less lore, it simply won’t pull in the punters.
I agree with Fletch. Vans are fun and we love vans, whether cheap or premium or whatever kind at all but we’ve had a couple of van rounds over the last few weeks. Either change up the segment for the van a bit and something that is a bit different than just making standard carrier vans with high reliability and low cost, or try to shake up the round completely. Either is fine
0 voters
comment other
WTF is that? A new transformer?
I mean it’s piss poor thread managment on my part, like, why did I make a new one
New pitch: Government subsituted Driving School cars; a political statement of a car.
A car like the country: Exiting but Safe, Prestigious but Economical, Innovatiove but Easy to handle
In a context of something something the country redeeming itself after the iron courtain fell
That’s exactly what I voted for. If you really are going with that theme, as I expect, don’t forget to make it engaging enough for any and all potential entrants.
oh frick I think I accidentally made hhd8, but with smol cars and more prestige
but the ‘uprising’ (unification) already happened
Safety, economy, drivability and prestige in 1991 and with a 4 door smol car
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