Post you fan art here

[quote=“utopian201”]Can anything be posted here?
Does my Auto Magazine count as fan art? [/quote]

Those are brilliant, kudos!

My most recent roundup:

[size=150]Transatlantic Express (cilck for the review that accompanies the below images)[/size]

Art I created for the SME ZX53GT:

Art for my own car, the Aurora Manticore:

Art for the Solstice Fleetwood 427:

darn you did a really nice job there of course you can leave it here :slight_smile:

This is good, a single thread for photoshops and drawings!

I do a bit of both, most of which can be found on my company page. This contains a mock up photoshop of a “sensible” car I made for April Fools, which got taken a whole lot more seriously than I expected.

I had a few drawings of the two (officially released) cars I’ve made in that thread, but I think my favourite picture from there was the pseudo-art deco style one I did for Manche

I’m supposed to be working on a big car comparison thing from about 10 months ago -_-; but the drawing process was way more ambitious than I anticipated. Oops.

PR material for my halo super car, the Aurora Manticore:

From an angel of lightness to a demon of darkness. The Aurora Manticore. Nothing Comes Close.

Unused art that I made that never made it into the final video:

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Really, really good, just like your other stuff. Would you ever consider doing similar things for others? :wink:

While my car building skills leave much to be desired, my drawing is mildly better.

This is my old drawing of my Weiler Varro, emphasis on OLD. Was trying to make something 1980’s ish, partially cause I wanted to but also because I’ve been having a bit of a synthpop/newwave/retro synth/whatever it’s called trip for a while…partially thanks to Drive, and Hotline miami (the latter a very recent purchase).

and this before I came across the community mod pack for pop-up headlights…I’m still trying to work out the car as a whole in it’s stages beyond it’s dismal performace in the ATCC…rambling aside…I’m trying to draw this new one…it’s going to take a while, along with coming up with the new versions of this machine proper, including a would-be Group B and later Group A/DTM with a 5L v8.

But…while those have started…I need to finish em when I can…it’ll be some time.

That’s enough out of me for now.

Had this in my drafts folder ages ago and forgot to finish and post it:

You mean for my other cars or other members?

I only have this for another car that I never got round to uploading (its the first ad I ever made so nowhere near as good as the dyno one here !)

I do stuff for others in that my car reviews feature other member’s cars; 07CobaltGirl/Swanson Motorsport Engineering and Microwave/Solstice.

some people here are really talented then you have me as " i drew a box with wheels on it"

Being at least decent in drawing anything takes time and effort…I want to say more but …maybe later.

That being said, wanted to post this, it would be bigger but it seems like it’s an issue so it’s a smaller size, I wanted to post this earlier but felt discouraged, but screw it.

Photoshop in action.

how may i get you to photoshop a car for me?

I would need the (Automation) car and then the ‘tricky’ thing, the background.
If you have a background in mind I would like to see it, because of perspective, proportions, etc and how the car would ‘fit’ in it. Although there are tools like perspective, scale, morph, etc, they are not desirable and take time (scaling is inevitable though).
Think that those pics are ‘’‘quick’’’ photoshops (well, the first one not that ‘quick’) and were done for practise and some fun (all of them but one have minor or major errors).
PM me and let me know what you want.

squidhead thought this should go here. It was done for the AMWEC, so you can see the background info to it there:

The resolution is too low due to filesize. At least at 1380 width you can see all the decals and logos properly.

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Some of my better ones

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now. to make photoshop tutorial thread

I suppose this is doable… It is not a simple matter of giving a set of instructions though. The more complex shop jobs take a range of techniques and knowledge of the principles of art and drawing etc. which are picked up over the years.

That being said some users have asked me about the same thing so it’d be worth at least introducing the various functions I use. I use GIMP which has most of the power and none of the cost.

I think I’ll post this here, all the 10 posters for the 10 races of the 2015 AMWEC, with all the 35 cars.


Nice photoshops there!!

Photo-editing your automation car tutorial by Squidhead.

Just out of curiosity I’ve made a couple of animated pics to gif (ho ho :unamused: ) an idea on how evolves the entire process.