Proper Fuel and Timing Mapping?

I know, I know, the engine manager is feature complete (until the tycoon game is finalized).

But I have major issues designing proper cars to meet market requirements. We’re stuck setting a motor to use a single timing point at a single AFR. Going back to the 40’s when the game begins, real-world vehicles had (rudimentary) timing mechanisms and adjustable fuel rates. Carbs have different designs such as multiple jets or fuel metering by throttle.
So we’re stuck with a vehicle that always runs at 12.4 AFR and +21 degrees timing (if the setting of 50 represents 0 degrees) which is completely baffling and totally wrecks the performance/economy and market statistics.

I might be coming off a little offensive, but I can’t imagine it’s too difficult to implement this kind of feature. I could build out an Excel chart in 15 minutes which properly calculates the data set.

It’s not the ACTUAL a.f.r you’re setting , but some kind of approximation/average thing.

I think this has a bit on it, and I’m fairly sure I’ve seen other threads about it…