Some calculations incorrect in Detailed Stats (May affect final stats?)

Haven’t been able to extensively test, but a number of the end calculations in the Detailed Stats give wrong numbers. At least, according to what information it shows. For example, at one point I had it showing in Utility 45.2 - 57.5% = 14.2, which is wrong. That should be showing 19.2. I have noticed similar discrepancies in the Drivability, Sportiness, and Practicality tabs. Comfort, Prestige, Safety, and Offroad seem to not have it. Since these stats are what are used for final vehicle calcs, this is negatively affecting the build. Then again the final stats could be correct but something else is affecting them, and this is just a case of not enough information is being shown. Whatever the case, I thought it should be brought to your attention.

New Family made in yesterday’s release (7/13/2018), no mods.
I4 engine, '46 Med. Delivery/Pass. Fleet Van (2 trim)
Windows 10, UE4 DX10, Build 180714

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Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll have a closer look myself.