The Car Shopping Round (Round 64): Tears in Heaven

yes… i think we should stop this. before it spirals down to NSFW material. :smiley:

I would rebut with some fact about how couples in their seventies on average still have sex twice a month so age really isn’t the issue :stuck_out_tongue: but I suspect that would only derail the thread further.

Instead, I will reassure everybody, I am continuing to write the reviews with the hope the winner can be revealed tonight.

well on that note I just (and this is really strange). I just noticed that the wild dogs are howling. (if i could record it I would) they are going nuts. I may have to disappear and check on my cattle. Now we should all stop annoying strop so he can write

dont… put…any…ideas…in…my…head…
too late.

I see what you did there. :smirk:

on this topic… i actually found this
and 1.5k signed it. and it was just closed less than 12 hours ago.

Really love your honest and detailed reviews - the best ones in the history of the contest so far, and by some margin. With so many competitive rides, I don’t know which one to put my money on… :slight_smile:

i wanna know, what is it with games forums and furries/anthropomorphic animal art? (i have nothing against that, just seems to be a trend)

Its comes back from playing crash bandicoot and shit we just think it’s the norm. keep in mind I am a 32 yr old man.

Crash Bandicoot? I thought it would have been watching Disney’s adaptation of Robin Hood for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Or it could be Krystal from Star Fox.

Anyway, there’s at least a few in every bunch, whether they make an appearance tends to depend on how much drama it might cause.

star fox that’s what I was trying to remember! And I have a vhs of the disney robin hood and thomas the tank engine cause trains are cool. Fuck me I am getting old and of coarse WING COMMANDER


Hahaha I totally went and played the whole thing again last year just because.

Also, don’t knock Thomas the Tank Engine and friends, I was a mega fan growing up.

(warning very NSFW language)

Naturally then you would have been a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles before they got rebooted?

Shit, I need to keep writing

EDIT: holy crap, brb, my sides

It’s like the Thomas the Tank Engine version of Damo and Darren

oh goddamit you…

i really WAS fooled

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nah, it’s cool. i know a fair few as friends.

until it gets to super sexualized anthropomorphic fighter planes/tanks or inflatable rubber sex parrot art, i have no problems at all

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yeah my era but if it wasn’t a VHS i couldn’t watch it. I live in the house I was born and raised in which is awesome what isn’t awesome is the internet (I ended up with satellite which sux) and if it’s night time my only source of power is a 2 stroke diesel generator that has to be hand cranked.
This is my place here

And how big it is compared to say Brisbane


Why do I get the feeling I know exactly what you’re talking about…

internet user for more than 5 mins?

and that stuff is also something i really wish i didn’t know about

Like I tell everybody who ventures onto this topic, if that stuff’s doing your head in, be glad that you ain’t seen shit :stuck_out_tongue:

man i wish i could call /u/fuckswithducks right now.

Don’t push it. You’re one wayward comment away from me pulling results for another day just because you tried to boss me around.

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