Part 2
1 pm, same day. Again everybody meets in the room and seats themself down. The overall mood is better after everyone was able to fill themself on pizza and other take outs. Again the lights dim and the projector turns on.
“Soooo.” Sarah starts “I see you all managed to find back here in time. So lets keep going then. The next car is from @CC9020, the Commandant 10.9”
Again the room fills with postive nods and "hmmmm"s. “It does look futuristic”. “Yeah i really fits the theme nicely” “It does really have a nice luxury theme going and…” the CEO interjects “Tell me Sarah, for what class is this?”. “ummmm” Sarah answers while typing wildly. “The mail doesnt seem to say it but we think it would be Class 4”. “Yeah no. I cant see this car next to muscle cars and high performance vehicles. The only thing emitting ‘Look i am fast’ is the side exhauts. But i would very gladly accept that as Class 3”.
Verdict: Great design but just to tame for the task. Will be used ingame but not considered as a cover car
“Okay. Next is the Mamba 800 from User @lukerules117”
“This was send in as a Special car”. The room fill with silence. One of the Artist breaks the ice “I mean… I can see the idea… Make a classic Oldtimer with dual engines… but somewhere it also wants to be a Hypercar with that aero and Carbon Fiber shell? Its a case of identity crisis”. “I dont think i could say it better, sadly good ideas are not enough”
Verdict: The team can see the idea, but it didnt really work out. This wont be ingame or on the cover
“Next submission is from @titleguy1. The Tuonare:”
“This is for the 4 Star Class” The round of man gets visable excited at the looks. “Now thats what i invisioned for the car”, the Producer says. “It is really nice and we could to a version for a lower class too!”. “Oh yeah. I really like the flow of the lines and the light fixtures. Elegant, yet aggresive.” “Details like the small camaras are also nice, even though i cant really figure out how the door opens without any pivit point on the roof”
“Eh. I think we can overlook that. I think we all love it” the CEO ends the conversation with.
Verdict: Ticks everything the team wants. Will be ingame and will be considered as a cover car.
"Next slide, the Razor Raider… thats with captial R’s on the end. Made by @Xepy "
“We suggest this for the special class”.
“Haha looks like we need more Offroad section with something like that” the Producer says as he pokes the Lead Programer into his arm. “ugh I dont think we have time for that… Maybe as DLC” “I love it” one of the Artist throws into the round. “Yeah i can also see a normal version for this for a lower class”. “I would even go so far and put this into class 4.” the men nod in agreement. “I do have a problem though with it”, the CEO takes the word, “It doesnt really scream 2030 does it?” Again the men rub their chins to think about this car.
Verdict: The team loves the car, but are not quite sure if it really fits the theme for the cover. Will be ingame but not considerd for the cover
“Next we have the Marks SuperTruck 1000 from @MGR_99”
“We think it would be best for class 4”
“Now THATS a truck. It looks like it will just plow thorugh anything in its way!”. “And i am pretty sure it will look great doing so!”. “I can also see making a 500 version or 250 version for the lower classes.”. “Everything just screams arcade and thats perfect. I dont know why this shouldnt be on the cover”. “It is quite the chonker” “Fair”
Verdict: Team is also in love with this. Ticks everthing they want and even more. Will be ingame and considered for the cover.
“Alrighty. Before a war starts lets continue. This is from @Sky-High , the Hyperspace III R”
“Jesus fucking christ” the whole round just looking in amazment on the screen. “That is quite something”
“I want its children”. “If that doesnt get ingame i quit”. “Oooookay everybody settle down, your pants are getting tighter”, the CEO speaks, “It is a nice… car? vehicle? But i tell you the problem with it. If we would put that on the cover everybody will think we only have hovercars. But maybe we can find something to put this in”
Verdict: The car will be classed in the Special Category as a late game car. Its labeled as a Concept car from 2030. People are already telling that this has to be ingame or they will quit. But sadly is not a candidate for the cover
“Okay. Next is the Hyperbeam 16NX from @TheAlmightyTwingo”
“This was send in as special”
“No” the CEO takes the word before even anyone could say anything. “First of all i dont get why it is a wagon. Nobody wants someones riced dentists car, so if it will be ingame not as a wagon. Also i can see this as 2 or 3 Star…”
Verdict: Team likes the decals but quickly decides that this car is not suitable for the cover. If the Artists have time they will make adjustments to the body to port it ingame.
“Annnnddd lastly the Tragora Solaris Stock car by @Centurion_23”
“It was send in as Special”
The round of men nod in agreement. “I mean. Yeah why not. Its a nice Nascar with nice logos. Not much to say about this.” “It is quite safe though isnt it? Like what would Nascar in 2030 look like? Maybe they get even more aero. Or jets, or they are packed with guns. This is a pretty safe attempt.” Again the men rub their chins to think about this.
Verdict: The team like the livery design even though this might be a bit safe. It will be ingame but not considered for the cover
"Alright gentlemen. Thank you all for coming. I will tell my team that the cars from @CorsicaUnknown , @aPub , @titleguy1 and @MGR_99 made it through. We will come up with some Prototype Covers and show them to you when they are done.
Continued in Round 2