Australian volume manufacturer Albury Motors is best known for well-built and reliable front-engined, rear-drive volume and sports cars, but in 2007 they sprung a surprise with the CMS-16 Coupe, a small mid-engined lightweight sports car designed to compete with the Lotus Elise. They took what was basically a small economy car engine, turned it into a pint-sized monster, and placed it in the back of the car for maximum effectiveness. This is a hardcore track car (albeit an affordable and economical one), no question, but it’ll deliver endless thrills on your favorite track or back road as you push your car to the limit by exploiting its incredible power density and stratospheric redline. The CMS-16 was produced until 2013 and remains a common sight at trackdays everywhere across the globe.
For the record, no mods were used in the making of this vehicle.
ahertono - Albury (94.6 KB)