True or False: Forum Game 2.0

False, though being in a band would be call

TNP is in need of curry right now

Nah man, Iā€™m more like:

TNP wants to answer below

False, Iā€™m now suffering dearly for doing something I didnā€™t want to do.

TNP will say something false.

Erin are not the Rover of the Automation world.

TNP disagrees with the above statement.

Agreed :stuck_out_tongue:

TNP sexually identifies as pasta sauce

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Iā€™m abit sweet and salty and go best with semi-firm noodles? Yeah no :joy:

TNP has gone mud wrestling.

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Falseā€¦ not interested :stuck_out_tongue:

TNP has taken the test before :imp:

True :wink:

TNP has had to fast because of a blood test before (Kill me now)

True. Though later that day I had a BLT sandwich so worth it.

TNP tried to recreate their car in Automation before.

Absolutely. But there was no equivalent body, so it looked like a Honda Civic fucked a Ford Ka a bit too enthusiastically and they melded into a single entity.

Also it wasnā€™t the most inspiring of exercises.

TNP has done a poop the shade of bright blue before (my god I donā€™t know what the bakers put in that cake icing, but it was some wicked stuff.)


Blue poop.


TNP can help me decide whether wearing a shirt with shorts makes me look like a wannabe frat boy or is actually just perfectly acceptable so long as donā€™t buy any of those pink/coral chino shorts

What makes it ā€œfratā€ is their stance. Keep away from that, and youā€™re all G.

TNP has fed the chickens in the last month.

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False :chicken:

TNP likes guacamole.

You bet

TNP loves burritos

Youā€™re goddamn right I do.

TNP loves Mexican food.

Of course

TNP can do blyat

Iā€™m not experienced enough in Russian/Eastern European internet culture to do that

TNP was a Yee fan

Is a yee fan, it may be dead but itā€™s still a legend

TNP will say their favorite dead meme

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Just kidding donā€™t shoot me :fearful:

TNP mourns the fall of Memeus Christ


True, rip.

TNP Uses an alternative WFC to play wii/DS games online