24h - La Marche 1960 [Results]

I’d rather a 1967 one. I want to build a Ford GT


A mid 60’s version of La Marche would be straight up epic


From what I was seeing in test mules, that having a very fast car could offset a slightly less efficient engine for a good ITE score. Even so, Riley’s entry getting a podium finish while also getting an almost 1.5 ITE score is crazy!

That sounds good too. Then perhaps a 1973 Can-Am? I want to build a Porsche 917/30.

Looking more closely at the results, reliability wasn’t the DCMW’s downfall, and neither was consumption, both worse than Somervell (as was Drivability, I think?). Take away the beauty contest, and it’s 317 laps each, 130 seconds remaining for the DCMW and 216 for the Somervell. Brute force won after all, just with less popular looks.

If you won, you won; if you lost, you lost. It ain’t sportsmanlike to try and find ways in which you really actually won after you lost, pardner


I was going to ask the same. I’m very interested in see others choices taken in order to prevail in the ITE

I noticed that for some people here, Automation isn’t just a random game they play. It’s Most likely their hobby. So I understand that they are eager to win and go a bit over the top with their motivation.
Although I fully share your opinion, I felt like I needed to put some light onto Morozas POV, before an unlucky impression of him starts to form.
Considering JOC a few months ago he’s already cooled down significantly, so I dont think thats meant to be toxic.

In the end the host is comparable to a referee. His descisions are done and valid unless severe problems are so evident that I can see it in the dark without glasses. That is definitely not the case in this well-hosted challenge.

It was analysis of competition mechanics, not a complaint directed at anyone. It didn’t need a high-horse rebuke directed at me.

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Thanks, here’s my weird FWD entry as I promised:

LM_-MR_rondini-_Rondini_Tipo_13A.car|attachment (51.4 KB)

Basically to start development I chose the smallest (therefore, lightest) body. Afterwards I realized that not only was FWD lighter (than FR), it also MASSIVELY increased drivability to over 50, greatly improving my race results. However there was a price: the rear had so little weight that the car became very unstable at high speeds, so I had to reduce front grip to compensate, limiting the performance of the car (if only i could add a tiny spoiler to fix this).
For the engine I randomly chose the 1300cc class but later realized the the size was pretty much ideal for a four banger. Also for some reason the DCOE carbs showed the best results despite not being the most fuel efficient.
While another race at lemans in another year would be great, I hope the next competition is something different like touring cars or a rally event.


Oh god that would be too good, i mean the main reason why my car was so painfully slow was because it had such a small engine. I could maybe get away with putting a bigger one in!

I mean to be honest looking at the hilarious placing of my car, an entrant can excel in some things but be poor in others. I mean my car tied for fourth in the concourse d’elegance but came fourth to last in the actual course time. You win some you lose some right?

Honestly I liked your car as well, nice having a big meaty powerful car, exactly what i’d imagine Dalluha would make :slight_smile:

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Hi @Der_Bayer, any chance this contest+race gets a second edition in 2024?

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