Yellow again!
I am back with the same idea for a challenge, to build a legacy throughout different years, for your cars. It’s a practice of keeping a design langynot only on how you make the car look, but to keep it’s identity through engineering too! Born a dumb muscle car in 60s that burned rubber with an open diff? How did it do after the gas crisis in 80s? What’s the modern tale on it (in 2000s).
The idea is simple, keep a car’s identity
Make me say, oh it’s that car… But there is always more to the story! That’s why this challenge is also focusing on the story you can tell with the car, it takes in the lore/idea that you had behind the car. If something changes, Why? Why was it changed? If it’s justified, then good job! But also if you carry a hard part of the cars identity throughout its life, then good job! That’s great.
Example on this: You made a V12 GT car, but you had to change the V12 to a V8 or V6 through 80s to meet fuel regulations, that is a justified change. BUT, Also there are people that kept the V12 and that also is impressive. These will be elaborated more on in the rules section.
Decisions will be made on a point system. In a simplified terms, it’s a mix of judge’s opinion (yours truly) and mechanical sides of the cars, but also how you carried the design forward with time.
Round 1
Round 1: The Sixties!
1960-1969, the year of automotive bloom! Supercars, pony cars, cheap speed and fast feud filled cars! Coupe body style can blossom a lot of variety and freedom in designs, so you can try to design something you’re comfortable with, or try something new and challenging! This is a way to train yourself and get better!
Rules of the 60s
Rules don’t disqualify, they reduce points, if your decision has a good lore/justification, you wont lose any points, but it will make it harder for you to gain points, so keep that in mind.
Family names start with (ALL) - Forum name
Body model has to be 1958-1969 (2 years grace for bodies)
Technology used must be 1969 and older (engine and car)
Run on leaded fuel
have a coupe body, If you wish to use a specific body out of the year range, DM me to clear it out.
Have a story/idea explained (a paragraph is enough)
Targeted at a coupe market (Any that has the preferred body style of coupe, convertibles allowed too)
meet safety regulations. Minimum score of 20
60’s focus points
- Design /15
- Story/Idea /10
- Interior design /3 (1 point for just having a dash and seats)
(In future rounds, we gonna have more areas to point)
First round over
Round 2
Round 2: The crisis of 80s…
The emission regulations was a big part of 80s, well mainly for the western nations. None the less, they had the biggest market! This was also the times were the cars had the most iconic design feature of their brands! So the challenge is mostly focused on the design, giving you more freedom in the technology advancements!
Rules of the 80s:
Engines must meet WES 7 emission standard.
Body Models are coupes, permitted from 1977- 1992 (3 years grace for body choices)
Rules don’t disqualify, they reduce points, if your decision has a good lore/justification, you wont lose any points, but it will make it harder for you to gain points, so keep that in mind.
Family names start with (ALL) - Forum name
Tech pool max on +7
Designs must carry the Identity of the car before them. To elaborate, it must be directed at the original car market it was made for, and have followed design ques from previous model. This does not mean a direct copy, but the two must have features that feel directly inspired by the previous model.
There is required for a lore/story/ad with the post.
80’s focus points
- Design /15
- Identity kept /10
- Story/Idea /10 (+3 if it includes a challenge that was brought up during 70’s and 80’s, a curve ball if you will)
- Interior design /3 (1 point for just having a dash and seats)
Round 2 over!
Round 3
Round 3: The Retro craze
The emission regulations was a big part of 80s, well mainly for the western nations. None the less, they had the biggest market! This was also the times were the cars had the most iconic design feature of their brands! So the challenge is mostly focused on the design, giving you more freedom in the technology advancements!
Rules of the 00s:
Engines must meet WES 9 emission standard.
Be street legal
Body Models are coupes, permitted up to 2012, in the name of retro design, you’re allowed to use classic bodies, but be careful to use bodies that meet 00s design language.
Rules don’t disqualify, they reduce points, if your decision has a good lore/justification, you wont lose any points, but it will make it harder for you to gain points, so keep that in mind.
Family names start with (ALL) - Forum name
Tech pool max on +7
Designs must carry the Identity of the car before them. To elaborate, it must be directed at the original car market it was made for, and have followed design ques from previous model. This does not mean a direct copy, but the two must have features that feel directly inspired by the previous model.
There is required for a lore/story/ad with the post.
00’s focus points
- Design /15
- Identity kept /10
- Story/Idea /10 (+3 If you include a story that inspired a major change, a curve ball if you will)
- Interior design /3 (1 point for just having a dash and seats)
Round 3 is open until March 7th 2025 12 PM MT
Change log
Added change-log
Added under rules
- Rules don’t disqualify, they reduce points, if your decision has a good lore/justification, you wont lose any points, but it will make it harder for you to gain points, so keep that in mind.
- Added under rules
- If you wish to use a specific body out of the year range, DM me to clear it out.
Cleaned up the posts a bit!
Added round 2
Round 1 over
Round 2 extended to 14th FEB
Round 3 added