ABC(Automation Buddy Challenge)[COMPLETE]

:smiley: nice

it disgusts me that they turned : D into :smiley:

Car town design?

Ok, got 10 people in.

All I got to do is to finish the 6 other tarot cards and pair everyone up. We got 5 teams now.

@SurrealCereal, yes

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If you put a meaningless tag between the : and the D (like :<g>D) you can prevent it from correcting to the emoji. :D


“My power grows with each underwhelming cult car I learn about.”


All of your Tarot cards:


The partners:

Group 1: @doot and @Soviet_Russia

Group 2 : @abg7 and @Bibly

Group 3 : @Maverick74 and @SurrealCereal

Group 4 : @Edsel and @Happyhungryhippo

Group 5 : @LS_Swapped_Rx-7 and @mart1n2005

You all may begin! Good luck to all of you. However the work is split is up to you. I have also replied to the guidelines to help as well.

Additionally, as stated: No V16s, mod bodies, or unreasonable usage of advanced trim (You may ask me if you are unsure).


Fixed yours


Any chance you can copy the rules post into the first post? Saves people having to scroll down to find them in the middle of the thread


I must say that I don’t really understand the concept of the cards. Are they just a fun thing or will they serve any function in the challenge?

(I can’t really see how to use them for tarot readings anyway :rofl: but that’s another discussion :rofl:)

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More as a fun thing to do, so even if this challenge dies which it does look like it is going to. People can at least take home some cards of themselves

The cards are just made so that people can others profile of what they are good at.



Abg7 - “Improvement” - Your day will get better

SurrealCereal - “The merchant” - You will find your fortune

Doot - “Eastern Sea” - There is an undiscovered secret

LS swapped RX7 - “Wild” - Your day will end with many endings

Mart1n2005 - “Veteran” - Your knowledge is that of an elder

Edsel - “Ancient” - Your wisdom grows with age

Maverick74 - “The maverick” - You’ll be headstrong in your beliefs

Soviet_Russia - “Will” - There are ways to achieve your goal

Bibly - “Silence” - You won’t leave a trail you do not wish to show

HungryHappyHippo - “The undertaker” - Unsuspecting but known


People are just working on their cars, HFB. Soviet has a prototype already,


Why are you afraid that the challenge would die off? You have a bunch of people that have teamed up with each other, to think that everyone has done this to just let the challenge die off is to underestimate people. :slight_smile: Making good cars takes time. And cooperating, even more time. Keep in mind that timezones can mess things up too, if someone in France cooperates with someone in Australia, for example, there will probably not be too many hours per day when it will be easy to work together. :slight_smile:

Also, if I am allowed to be a bit nitpicky… :wink: What you have made is closer to some kind of oracle cards (they can have more or less any kind of design, there are no certain rules about the amount of cards in a deck, and the meaning of them are more or less always the same). In a tarot deck, you always have the same 78 cards (more or less, some slight differences does exist) and the meaning of them are more or less up to the reader to be interpreted. But hey, I have no intentions to make your thread an online course for psychics so it’s all fine. :rofl: I agree that they were a fun idea! :slight_smile:

And I must say that the idea of this challenge is not bad at all, good luck with hosting your first one, looking forward for the results even if I didn’t participate this time. :slight_smile:


It’s a nice and new idea, and I can confirm we’re working on a car. @Edsel has already created a good car based on my engineering, he evaluated himself 4 in design, might be understated, what he did deserved a solid 6.
It’s nice to work on others designs and discussing changes, my partner notices goofs I missed and vice versa, that’s fun.

Oh, I just realized, there’s no deadline for are cars. Is there supposed to be one? Or do they just get done when they get done?

I’m not sure about a deadline as I would like to give everyone a reasonable time frame with timezones and stuff.

I would like to see progress of the groups and I’ll base it off of if people have made some progress or not.

I’ll be without a PC next week and I still need to do the interior (I know it’s not required but my obsession with those is well known here) so two weeks would be fine for me.
The rest of our car is done.

I will now make a deadline to avoid the death of this challenge:

February 20th

Timezone differences are allowed, but don’t submit something a week later. The reviews aren’t immediate and allow for leniency, but don’t stretch it too far.


Our car is ready - so it’s alright for us.

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I have not recieved cars from:

@doot and @Soviet_Russia (granted 3 extra days due to circumstance)
@abg7 and @Bibly
@Maverick74 and @SurrealCereal
@LS_Swapped_Rx-7 and @mart1n2005

I have recieved a car from:

@Edsel and @Happyhungryhippo