[ARM] Automation RestoMod Chapter 33: Nothing is sacred! (Rules delib)

Huh, I’m ready i think… F154 FA Powered retromod of Ferrari 308, i represent the “Barbarian”

(Inspired by the Ferrari 308 “Brawler”: La Ferrari 308 'The Brawler' è il perfetto restomod digitale)


I assume the original car should have a flatplane crankshaft? The .car has a crossplane. Changing crankshaft from flat (original?) to crossplane should constitute engine swap imo considering it’s not as simple as just changing the crank, it takes a lot more than that and isn’t really feasable

yeah, iirc the f106 and rest of the dino family v8s all used a flatplane crank, assuming this is a mistake from the host?

Oh crap. That’s actually a mistake from my side. I forgot to change to a flatplane crank when building the engine, because I had actually forgotten that option even existed in game, I don’t build supercar engines too often, that’s obvious… :expressionless:

It’s a bit late to change that now, but… my suggestion is that if you want to keep the original engine, yes, change it to a flatplane crank if you want to keep it realistic.

However, it’s a thing that is a bit complicated to do a workaround for now just because I messed up, so I can only say it as a recommendation. When changing the crank for a flatplane one, it does not affect the pricing of the car as I can see…so implementing a penalty now for an engineering decision I messed up myself does not seem 100% necessary.

Checking things up, it seems like the version used in the Lancia 8.32 actually has a crossplane crank, so I guess that could be the sketchy realism loophole that saves the situation.

So, no changes rule wise but yeah, while you’re at it, if you want this to be a modified original engine realism wise, I can recommend a crank change…