Will be streaming a couple of hours!
Join the livechat too!
Will be streaming a couple of hours!
Join the livechat too!
Hosting again… Hopefully it’ll go better than the last time I hosted.
Broadcasting again for a while (mainly modern stuff): grooveshark.com/#!/plebs14/broadcast
And join the chat to make requests! afternet.org/qwebirc/?chann … ame&uio=d4
I’ll be broadcasting for nearly an hour. Mostly easy-listening that’s totally suited to Automation playing.
[size=50]warning: May result in you FIL sad and hopeless.[/size]
I’m going now for a bit with some motivational engine building music to celebrate Steam release. Don’t forget to join in the livechat at automationgame.com/live-chat/!
Broadcasting for about an hour. For those who like modern rock/indie!
grooveshark.com/#!/plebs14/broad … t/overview
EDIT: Also join the live chat to make requests and to join the friendly banter!
afternet.org/qwebirc/?chann … ame&uio=d4
Is Automation Radio still a thing? I used to join in while I built cars.
Not really. However, I’m definitely willing to bring it back up again.
The problem is grooveshark was a lazy easy way to do it which is now dead. The only other thing to do is Shoutcast/Icecast really, which is doable but not as easy to rotate who is doing the tunes.
hmmm i would be up for being a host. could we just webcam the Radio when it was our time to go on air?
okay, how did i miss this?
I saw it and because radio is dead now… so, not much lost by missing it
It’s on my list of “must resurrect this” along with about 20 other things, when I get round to it.
Automation Radio could work with the “old school” normal webstream thing. A place where copyright infringement cannot fuck around with people.
Maybe i try something out.