BRC 1976 - Under Pressure [E8-Q]

Cars are running with lots of fuel, gaining tyre wear and don’t always hit the perfect cornering speed each lap.

12 whole laps with a turbo using 760 g/kwh.

Clearly not optimal.

I got to go easy on chamber. Compared to @Der_Bayer I’m just eating them.
Good good, these tests are really helpful :slight_smile:

The man is using sports tyres. :thinking:

Thanks - though it looks like I’ll have to either open the tap a lot wider or figure out a way to spare the rears without losing too much on the best lap time.

Oh no, the cars are a million times faster than mine.

I wish I could say that :smiley: Tire wear is my worst enemy :sweat:

On the other hand, 3rd fastest lap with half the fuel consumption of the 2 in front of me :smiley:

Nice attempts @Leo9613 and @Der_Bayer though … impressive laptime, and impressive consistency with the low wear :wink:

OMG, epic fuel consumption. :worried: Some serious redesign is needed.

Wow, that tirewear for Der_Bayer is impressive, keeping the lap times more consistent than others.
Definitely going back to scratch and starting over, but really interesting first test :smiley:

Thank you so far @Der_Bayer

Oh dear. Not going well. Time to salvage my Hockenheim 1000km car then :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok… so with this tyre wear the economy won’t work. Seems i’m turbocharging for the next tests

It does seem like economy is (perhaps counterintuitively) the risky thing to go for. Tire wear will be just as heavy, and the car will be slow enough that any unplanned stop, for example due to weather, threatens to wreck the plan. And if you use harder tires, you’ll have even more time to make up.

Just so I get it right, there is no way to limit how much fuel you want put in at pit stops? For example if you want to switch tires at 20% but can’t get a NA engine to reasonably burn more than two thirds a tank of fuel over this time, you’ll effectively be hauling around one third of the tank, which is more than 20kg, all race for no good reason.

Also, can you please confirm if the grip difference/time difference between slick and sport tires is roughly equivalent to in-game values? Or is that something one would need to test for themselves?

Welp that car was garbage. Turbo it is, dammit. :angry:

Wait, I’m not last?
How did that happen?

Well… I just tried something that would not ever work in my head and I dropped 4 seconds off my laptime and gained about 20 extra drivability. It should’ve been the other way around in my mind.

I have my suspicions as to what this is and if so, I agree :wink:

After a few hours of trial and error, I’d say there are 3 bodies that I believe are competitive, the rest are not efficient enough (except for whoever figures out the Pyrlixx exception). I hope the field stays as diverse as it did in '66, but time will show.

Now, the decision between semislicks and sport tires, tough choices. My current car does 2.10.7 with slicks and 2.12.9 with sport tires on single lap so probably close…

I plan on runnning sport tires on my car. I used that for the Hockenheim race and it worked pretty well.

@Der_Bayer How do I send you my car? Cant find PMs on this new forum lol :smiley:

You can’t actually PM people until you have a few posts and get your Member Badge.

If you have your Member Badge, then you just click on the name of the person you want to PM and the Message button will be in the menu that pops up.

Guess Im not gonna compete then… :confused: