Pitstop every 8 laps, and fresh tires to boot, but probably not worth it, with long refueling times as well. Interesting to se the comparison though [/quote]
Well, it took some cajoling, but PAW’s engineers have relented and got to work designing two cars for testing.
The HHR Special is a high-speed, high-fuel-consumption prototype pushing 437 hp out of a turbocharged 2.8L V6. Initial estimates are 24-30 minutes between pit stops.
By contrast, the Ectophylla is a grippy, lightweight exotic with 374 hp from a turbocharged 2.0L flatplane V8. Expectations are 27-35 minutes between pit stops.
Both cars are … ahem “exciting” to drive - TrDr/TrSp of 21.3/35.7 and 21.9/33.7, respectively - so PAW plans to change drivers frequently to minimize the effects of fatigue. With engine reliabilities in excess of 40 for both cars, however, we do not anticipate any failures during the race.
Available in 492 hp, 4988cc V8 NA and 535 hp, 3996cc V8 Turbo versions.
Double Wishbones front and rear, full aluminium body, steel monocoque, mid-rear longitudinal setup.
[quote=“squidhead”]So, if I have done my maths correct, I can last 40 minutes on a single tank of fuel, while doing low 2:22s’. I’m pretty happy with this.
Thanks for the guide, Packbat[/quote]
…well, I guess I can write off any hopes of being competitive this season.
Smooth Laggator 76
Turbo 4.9 fp V8, 844HP, refuel approx. every 9min, Tst/Trs 11/37, reliab. 39
quite spicy yes… in 4 laps it needs to gain 20+ seconds for a pitstop.
I really wanted to make it extreme…for research purposes
[quote=“Matti”]What are the rules of this? Did I miss something? And can I run 2 identical cars?
I am now in 2.23.xx with sub 4-litre NA injected mid engine.
P.S. Can I get the Nr. 96 as I have in BRC66 ? [/quote]
Rules are in the first post You can run 2 identical cars, but I guess for the first test you want to compare 2 different approaches.
Choose the number you want in the BRCTool.
[quote=“darkjedi”]I have found the files and exported them, but BRCtool pops an error when i open any car, both the 66 and 76
LE: how do i get the normal version, steam only lets me play the beta version[/quote]
Yes, the BRCTool can only read files from the public version. Safety first
Right click in Steam on Automation -> properties -> betas -> choose no beta.
25-ish reliability, I’ve sacrificed almost 7 units of reliablity to a race intake. Almost 30hp freed up, and it helped get the laptime. It’s a gamble, I know…