BYM Dealer Ship :)

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New Start

- BYM Precision
- BYM Urban

Backyard Motors

Backyard Motors (BYM) is a German Factory near Stuttgart.
We build Cars for Everyone. Sporty, Family, Offroad, Workhorses, and more.
We have our own Tuning Label called BYC… All Cars with the BYC Brand are something Special :wink:
The Newest idea is the Brand LUX. Its the Label for the Luxury Versions of a Model. We working on that.

Looks an extremely impressive car line there with engines to go with them brilliant work!

I really like the last model and the 3.0 engine you made for that!

I am impressed with the over 90,000km MBTF of those engines the best I have ever made is about 50,000km

Yup only around 50,000km but I outsource my engines to TheTom who is a genius with engines I build the chassis and he builds the engines its fun :smiley:

those prices and man hours are way out of sense, those engines will never sell on a market.
a 110hp 1.6L engine with ~75,000km MTBF and ~22% fuel efficiency which they are good figures, shouldn’t be more then 600-700$ and 40 man hours, 100 hours + is ridicules for that engine class.

take a look at my 1.4L engine, just noticed that i use RON method for fuel octane.

you can also go to my thread and download the lua file

I knew a guy who managed to get 49.7% economy out of his engine but I deleted the private message from him with it in…what an idiotic mistake xD


New Start.

First Model ist the

BYC Precision

The Perfect Car between Family and Business.
For now there are two Engines with 150HP And 220.

At Next there are a Plan for a “worker” Car like the G Class… Offroad and Space :smiley:


Here ist the BYM Urban.

A Luxury SUV for the City - not for Offrad.

The smallest Engine at the Moment is a 4.5 V8 and the Option is a 6.0 V12