Cestalis 1000km Multiclass Endurance - [DONE]

Sure, I’ll remove that rule.

By the way I’m looking for someone to help me with pictures for the challenge. Preferably some one that has a good pc and can run beam well.

DM if you want to help.


Just as an example: Tyre Talk : V8 Supercar Tyre Specifications

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I see. I never searched the V8 Supercar stuff in depth, but when I try to search the European motorsport, there is little to no information out there. But it seems that V8 Supercar at least share information in the wild. Thank you for letting me know of something I never thought about before.

Since it seems the rules are mostly fine, I'll set the date:
  • Submissions open on Friday, 20th September at 00:00 CEST.
  • Submissions close on Sunday, 27th October at 23:59 CEST.

last thing, almost all of the cars in inspiration are spec out with 19 in apart from the ford gt which has 18 in the rear but still 19s in the front. idk if you put 18 for stats reasons but could this be 19?

nvm my research was wack

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Is the the wheelbase rounded to (for GTC) 2.5 or has to be 2.50 or above? Since some bodies are 2.45 but listed in Automation as 2.5.

2.50 or above, wheelbase limits aren’t rounded.



You have over a month so no need to rush an entry. Remember you have unlimited resubmissions too.


I just googled “slick race tires” and got tires that end in zeros✌️


While everybody is busy with their entries, I’ll post the Safety Car for the race, this 2006 Tarske SW624.

I would also like to remind you that you can reserve up to 2 racing numbers if you haven’t yet by sending me a DM.

Available numbers.

If you’re entering more than two cars you can choose the additional numbers when you submit them.


I doubt I can find a realistic use case so probably no lol

Is track width allowed to be changed? I want a widebody look for my car, but don’t know if that would break any rules.

Yeah, it’s allowed.

Rear engine on TCDs is allowed too, and I’m aware of at least one person making one.

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Why are the wheels so massive for TCD? Most of the inspiration cars look like they are using smaller than 18" with 35 profile tyres. 17 seems more era appropriate. Gone were the days of super tourers rolling around on donks

You’re actually right, WTCC did use 18’’ tyres, but only from 2014 onwards. By 2006 they were still running 17’'.

However, I’m not going to change it now because the challenge has been open for over a week, and I don’t like changing the rules after the deliveration period ends.

Only asking because some bodies physically cannot fit wheels that large :joy:

I’ve got a noob question, just because I want to make sure I understand correctly. Last time I entered something it was a while ago and things have… Advanced past me haha.

Where it says no driver aids, am I right in saying that means use manual rack and pinion? Just the game is screaming at me not to use that. Or does that relate only to the traction aid options?

Edit: And where it says “Maximum cost: $40,000” which cost am I looking at? Is that approximate cost on the detail stats screen? Or material cost? I am unsure.


Power steering is allowed, by driving aids I meant no traction aids:

Maximum cost is the approximate cost.

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Thank you! Omg, I have such much money to burn, let’s go!

So we HAVE to use 18s?
I thought anything smaller would be ok.