Copyright Insanity? 300 SL destroyed

That, or every car would look identical, some would be well built, others, not so much.

I may be too young and naive but in the world we live now, big companies in every field seem to be wanting to control our lives more, to restrict our freedoms, to do that and the other just to make a profit and I’m sick of it. It may not be exactly the same case with Mercedes, but I still don’t like it and still can’t see it as fair.

I’m sure if copyright and patent laws didn’t exist or were in a different form beautiful cars would have still been made. Probably the only big difference would be that huge companies would have a more difficult time, and smaller ones would have a bigger chance of surviving and competing. Competition is what gives birth to innvovation and we would have all a lot more to benefit from.

[quote=“Marian87”]I may be too young and naive but in the world we live now, big companies in every field seem to be wanting to control our lives more, to restrict our freedoms, to do that and the other just to make a profit and I’m sick of it. It may not be exactly the same case with Mercedes, but I still don’t like it and still can’t see it as fair.

I’m sure if copyright and patent laws didn’t exist or were in a different form beautiful cars would have still been made. Probably the only big difference would be that huge companies would have a more difficult time, and smaller ones would have a bigger chance of surviving and competing. Competition is what gives birth to innvovation and we would have all a lot more to benefit from.[/quote]

ok now you have proven my point… one day you will realise not everything is a conspiracy.

Don’t put on that tin foil hat just yet…

While I understand your point, let me play the devil’s advocate for a second.

Imagine a world where copyright insanity doesn’t exist. at all. Lamborghini makes a beautifully crafted car, and then some Chinese company called Lambolgini comes, copies the thing 1 on 1, and puts it on the market for less money, as they didn’t have to do all the research in wind tunnels and engine development.

In a world like that, there would be no innovation to begin with, because any innovation you put money in will be copied and monetized by someone else.

However, I do agree that the restrictiveness in Video Games and the like are somewhat overdone, even though the video game makers do make money off their games (And having a Lamborghini would sell the game better, probably)

What are these then? The only thing that the Chinese can’t copy because of copyright is the names…the cars while not 100% exact are pretty much Identical.

This is another reason I’m pissed off. Because China is a huge market nobody wants to jeopardise their balance sheet by sueing these companies, but they can be against making replicas of 60 year old cars and even destroying somebody elses property…Hypocrisy!

Another point is that if copyrights and patents didn’t exist at all and all innovations and inventions would be freely available nobody would put or need to put a lot of money into research and developement the cost would all be shared among everybody.
Say we are 60 years in the future and I want to make a fusion engined car. A small fusion reactor has just been invented, then I can take all the schematics and research and make my own, the only innovation here would be the way I adapt it for car use. Then someone else also makes a car based on mine, improving it in the process and so on.

Ofcourse many wouldn’t like such a world because you couldn’t have a monopoly and get rich fast and easy, but cars at least would evolve faster and be much better. The ones that aren’t wouldn’t be bought. Survival of the fittest( meaning the most adaptable not the strongest)at its best.


What are these then? The only thing that the Chinese can’t copy because of copyright is the names…the cars while not 100% exact are pretty much Identical.

This is another reason I’m pissed off. Because China is a huge market nobody wants to jeopardise their balance sheet by sueing these companies, but they can be against making replicas of 60 year old cars and even destroying somebody elses property…Hypocrisy!

Another point is that if copyrights and patents didn’t exist at all and all innovations and inventions would be freely available nobody would put or need to put a lot of money into research and developement the cost would all be shared among everybody.
Say we are 60 years in the future and I want to make a fusion engined car. A small fusion reactor has just been invented, then I can take all the schematics and research and make my own, the only innovation here would be the way I adapt it for car use. Then someone else also makes a car based on mine, improving it in the process and so on.

Ofcourse many wouldn’t like such a world because you couldn’t have a monopoly and get rich fast and easy, but cars at least would evolve faster and be much better. The ones that aren’t wouldn’t be bought. Survival of the fittest( meaning the most adaptable not the strongest)at its best.[/quote]


I’m not even going to bother to respond to that one, gave me a good laugh though :smiley:

Come back and read that sentence when you are a bit older :slight_smile:

Whoops, topic drifting into flames… I’ll put it into the crematorium before that can happen though. Keep it calm.
I stopped arguing in this thread long ago as it leads nowhere obviously.

What does age have to do with changing the current unfair copyright patent system. Ignoring my personal views on how it should change come on and tell me that the current system is perfect, just and fair?

Did you even see the link with the ripoff chinese copies?

Look, I understand that the intent of these laws is to protect the people that put effort into making, developing, creating something. These laws could be revised and still do that, maybe even better, but also make them fairer for everyone else and remove the inanity of selling and buying thosse rights for an unlimited period.

I guess my desire that everyone on this planet should benefit more from intelectual resources is amusing to some of you.

I don’t want a flame war on this thread. What I wanted was more of a discussion. Nobody explained to me in a rational manner why these laws should remain the same.

This is far from the truth, and I guess this is why people (including me) get upset with this thread.
Good arguments and bad arguments have been made on both sides. Let it stand as is.

Thread locked for the better of everyone.