CSR 163 - Spontaneous Tomfoolery, Begin! [SUBMISSIONS ARE CLOSED]

Well that was just the Golf FSI :stuck_out_tongue:

I like this round, I doubt I’ll have enough time to come up and execute some idea for this, but I definitely like it.


I haven’t seen a CSR with such an escapist premise in a long time - but I have high hopes that you will pull it off!

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All the inspirations as one acronym. Prepare yourself for the Deals. They can not be Bettered.

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What in the name of all that is holy…
Any context for those who joined later?

Also, where is Jazz from and how does that relate to her perception of quirkiness? Would the car’s original market, if it’s different from her own, affect said perception in and of itself?


Holy shit it’s already been four years since this. Time flies and I haven’t even had fun, damn.

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So, I come to two car i will reuse with small edit:

but with 300+ hp turbocharged I5 and call it a Jetta Fireball

Mate I wish we knew what that guy was on about…
On another note, he made a really weird 3 fixture wonder muscle car with a fuckoff big engine and relatively low horsepower. He called it a very manly car or something, this was a part of his response to the controversy.

I haven’t given it much of an importance of what Jazz’s residing country is, as I figured it matters very little in the context. She will judge cars and their quirkiness on many different factors, and a small factor would indeed be their country of origin. If a car is doing something that’s way different than what’s the norm in the country, obviously that’d be perceived as unique and depending on other factors, it may be quirky. If your car is from a fictional country, that’s still based on a real world country so we’d still have a reference.

I’ll make a longer post about a few clarifications later since I’ve been getting some questions about things I didn’t or forgot to address in the main post.


What is your view on ATS? It might be needed to reach some quirkiness traits IMO.

reading further, seems he was going through psychosis, at least that’s my impression. :frowning:

ditto, all the builds i have in mind require anywhere from moderate to extreme ATS.

also, you have trucks and offroaders in the inspirations but the calculator seems to not be considering offroad and utility scores, which might affect those of us who want to make trucks or offroaders.

And affect positively, at that - given IRL anything that can climb a medium-sized rock depreciates twice as slow

Anything about ATS usage? CSR realism I assume is expected so anything that can be changed in the engineering should be disallowed?

Extended Explanations, Clarification and Transparency


I’ve been asked many questions for the sake of clarification over the last day or so. As your host, and as the host of a very outlandish round in a long time, I have my responsibilities to make this experience as smooth as possible. This section is dedicated to clearing up some extra questions people had, things that I couldn’t clarify myself due to time crunch or simply because the main thread was becoming too convoluted or complex.

Posting discord screenshots because I’m lazy as fuck!!

Unconventional Wheel Configurations



Which means, I’m allowing anything like these:


Advanced Trim Settings limitations


In other words, I do not care if you use ATS to the moon. If this is what you need for your intended build, that’s fine. Yes CSR realism, but this is also a very open round. I understand having to open up ATS limitations for this one.

Scale of Quirks and Features and Checklist Prioritization


In other words, it was a nearly impossible task to implement an objective quirks scale in this round while following the CSR formula even loosely, so instead it’s a benchmark. Once you pass a certain threshold of quirky, you’re in and from then on, you’re judged against cars of similar types and/or similar niche.

Also definitely do not try to clear multiple niche all at once and failing at all of them badly, covering one single point in the checklist very well will give you a much better subjective score from me.

Reliability, Env. Res, and HOW they are perceived at the time of submission

This is important

Reliability and Env. Resistance are scored linearly in this round.


I won’t reveal the exact breakpoints you can just peek at the spreadsheet formula
but basically you can follow this:


  • 100-91: Mechanically pristine condition.
  • 90-81: Very minor mechanical wear.
  • 80-71: Minor mechanical issues, generally reliable.
  • 70-61: Noticeable wear on mechanical parts, requires frequent maintenance.
  • 60-51: Moderate mechanical issues, parts may need repair or replacement.
  • 50-41: Significant mechanical wear, requires quite a bit of maintenance and repairs.
  • 40-31: Major mechanical issues, multiple components need attention.
  • 30-21: Severe mechanical problems, requires extensive repairs.
  • 20-11: Very unreliable, frequent breakdowns, major components failing.
  • 10-5: Non-functional, FUCKED if you will.

Env. Res.

  • 100-91: Zero body damage or rust
  • 90-75: Very minor wear.
  • 74-65: Minor cosmetic issues, small rust spots or light body damage.
  • 64-48: Somewhat rusty or minor body damage, some cosmetic repairs needed.
  • 47-40: Moderate-ish rust and body damage, requires some bodywork.
  • 39-35: Significant rust and body damage, needs extensive body repairs.
  • 35-25: Major rust issues, large areas of body damage.
  • 24-16: Severe rust and body damage, structural integrity may be compromised.
  • 15-11: Very poor condition, extensive rust and damage, needs major restoration.
  • 10-5: Complete rust out, body is beyond repair. Or FUCKED.

Other points, and more SUV/Utility inspirations

This section might be edited in the future to accommodate more questions

Alright so…

Damn before I could finish writing…

I could’ve added offroad and utility as two more weighted scoring units in the spreadsheet. But what that did was fuck over any other types of cars in their pricing. And selectively determining whether a car is offroad/utility focused or not be it from my own assumption or the creator’s input doesn’t really leave a lot of room for fairness in some regards.

This is where I have chosen to have some opaque, subjective judging, like a traditional CSR round.

Because what I have found from my own testing is, if you’re building utility/offroad focus vehicles, you’re making sacrifices in many other places that does increase your costs unless you’re going cheap as shit

And let’s be honest, time and time again CSR has proven stats don’t mean everything

You can have the highest performing car in a round in terms of numbers, but if it reeks of cheese you WILL get dinged. So in the end, it really does just come to subjective preferences. So I would recommend not worrying too much about raw stats that are not being weighted. This round is more about how you execute your visuals, and in extension, execute your design to support the wacky engineering.

I do hope I’m getting the message across.

Utility Inspirations

Cock and Ball Torture


Coggiola T Rex

Jeep Treo (wack)

Bertone Freeclimber

Honda Crossing a Road

Saleen Shenanigans

Sex with a person in a RAV4/Sportage Convertible

Freelancer SE3

I hope this answers everyone’s questions???

Ah one more thing, the calculator is still being tested, in beta phase if you will. So if anyone feels it’s borky, has issues, isn’t being fair, the linear scores are nonsensical, then let me know.


is it ok if it doesn’t pass emission standards?

Never. Simple as that.


I have one more question.

Why do they call it Deals when you of in the Better Deals of out hot eat the Deals


I’m thinking of submitting a tuned, coachbuilt version of one of these… Or an updated version of this one. However, I know that if all else fails, I could submit something else in place of either of those.



I can see this being a confusion point for a lot. despite me explaining it

So if you look into the spreadsheet, you will see after putting down your reliability and env. res. numbers, the calculator spits out a score on the right hand side, left to the gearbox selector.

THIS is your reliability and env. res. score that I will be using.

Of course the table I included there doesn’t 100% represent all sorts of cars and situations since everything is different, so how the lore for them reads on your end and how I represent it in the reviews on my end is something we both have to figure out on the go.

Thanks for reading!!!


For road legality, are closed pop-up/hidden headlights fine?

I’m assuming they are always legal, even when retracted.

Never been an issue, so that’s fine.