CSR148: The Turning Point [Concluded]

Don’t want to be dumb here but which list is the cars that actually won? I assume the “loves” list is the actual rankings?


I guess that the “combined loves” list is the cars on the top in the order they won. But one should not have to guess, so making things a little bit more clear wouldn’t have hurt. Now, I know that this is MrM:s first time of hosting so I feel that it is still acceptable, just worth thinking about in the future.

Fixed now, thanks for the feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wahoo! First victory! :sparkles:

I’ve never hosted a CSR before but it’ll be an honour to do so! Is there a specific guide/layout somewhere that I need to build around?


When I hosted the first one I did I had a read through the rules of a couple of ones that were near it in time to get an idea of how It worked.



What car I want


Submission details


And not before time! Designing a good-looking car is one thing; designing a good-looking challenge-winning car is another (especially when it’s for something like a CSR). You have done all of us a huge favor by doing both of them at once for this CSR, and are expected to be up to the task when hosting the next one.


Just in case I run out of energy today (Been working on the thread & trial builds for maybe upwards of 5 hours now):

I will post a highly WIP thread sometime tonight or tomorrow instead of a finished CSR149 Round ready to rumble. I have a very complex scenario inside my head to get out which requires a bit of testing and lots of effort! I would like to finalise it along with the community as it is quite an ambitious scenario.

As per CSR Rules:

Next round is now up