CW7: Golden Age Memories (Round 1: Coolness)

So the basar would place higher on the coolness scale than the busan?

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Creating an entirely different car using 3d with no trace of the original throws up more problems than it solves really. You can use a large body to get a comfort bonus but then make it smaller since you are completely making it from scratch

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I humbly submit my example of a 100% 3D car that looks ok, albeit of the same era as what its based on…

…as well as my opinion that this should never be required, and using an older body as a base for a much newer vehicle should count as retromodernism, not a restomod. This entry to QFC36, for example, in no way should ever be reviewed as a 1956 car:

I sure hope the Mara comment was flavor text and not the actual reason it was considered uncool.

It’s a good time to point out, coolness is a subjective value. “That looks like a restomod to me, I don’t like retro styling” is a pretty petty reason, but pettiness is what we should expect in a challenge about personal preferences; as long as its consistent, it’s fine and part of the fun.

There is one review, though, that I am a bit concerned about looking back at it:

So, did Chris not like this car because it was bad, and you used it being a Mara as flavor text? Or did Chris not like it because Mara made it?

If the latter, using a brand’s IRL reputation is one thing you cannot do in Cool Wall, where all our models are made up (often arbitrarily). There are very few brands on the forums that have earned established reputations; to use these in judging is unfair to the players of those brands, who’s success is now being decided by unrelated past builds they’ve done, and to the vast majority of other players that don’t have such reputations. Hence, each car must be reviewed in isolation of any supposed history.


It’s not that Chris didn’t like it simply for being a Mara, it’s that it isn’t as good as he thought it would be. To be fair, its stats are decent, but the proportions (at least from the side) seem… off, at least in his view (and mine).

Which not everyone can do, or wants to bother doing, as it adds a whole layer of complexity and, unless you’ve developed those skills heavily, it’ll inevitably end up looking janky.

No such penalties are mentioned anywhere in the rules.

Firstly, it’s a 2020 car. Secondly, why then is the sub zero column filled with 80s cars?


As an apology, I’m taking back my comments on the use of the Moore as the basis for your build - in fact, it’s not a bad car, just… overshadowed. More to the point, I misunderstood what it was supposed to represent. I thought that using such an old body would be a hindrance, but it wasn’t, since it suits its mission statement of being a homage to the brand’s past to a T.

Honestly, I’m just glad that a challenge from August is finally getting some results…I submitted to almost all of the challenges since the end of July, 2 of them were cancelled after the deadline closed and aside from this one, the rest are all in limbo with next to no comms…

Thanks, that’s much more useful feedback, so please put stuff like that into the actual post in the future.

(Background: I thought for this round, why not give the Mk1 Paragon a new body, so that they are not going straight to the Aston body. Looks like I will take another look at alternatives then in the future, based on the feedback.)