Frame Off: A Chassis Design Challenge (OPEN!)

DISCLAIMER: While I believe anyone can improve their skills and be great at building cars, this will be a solely design-focused challenge that is not for the faint of heart. If you are unsure of your skills or new to the game, be warned that you may not make it far into the competition. I discourage nobody from trying and will still judge everything fairly, but be warned, this challenge is aimed at more experienced players.

With that out of the way,

Welcome to Frame Off!!

This is a challenge designed to test your design abilities in several ways. Entrants will be tasked with building a race car from any era of their choosing, however, the chassis, running gear, and suspension will be the true star of the show here. The aim is to showcase the art of automotive engineering that is often overlooked by most, and push your skills to the limit. The design of the car is still relevant but will be judged separately from the chassis.


As this is a creativity and design-based challenge, the rules are pretty relaxed. However, there are some strong suggestions that one should take into account.

There is no one chassis design in particular I look for, however, there is a limit to simplicity, because one could use premade whole chassis fixtures or just send in the base game chassis and call it a day. I also extensively encourage more irregular chassis styles besides spaceframes. Race trucks are allowed as well as prerunners, racing semis and other obscure vehicles.The inspirations are just things I thought of off the top of my head and don’t directly relate to what you have to build.

Electric vehicles with skateboard battery platforms are also not encouraged. While yes they take time to design and are far from easy to make, they are the least visually appealing in my opinion because its, well, a skateboard. If you want to do an electric powertrain, go ahead, I just wanted to prevent someone from putting a slab in between two motors and calling it a day.

The age limits are from 1905 to 2026, so don’t go make some cyberpunk futuristic spaceship thing, (ykwim) and don’t throw some bicycle tires together and call It a prewar racecar (however don’t take
this as a don’t do that, if you can pull off an early century racecar that would be badass)

Do note any gray areas or clarifications will also be added here

Judging Criteria

The Chassis design will be judged separately from the overall design of the car, with a maximum of 15 points given to each category.

I will allocate 5 points to Creativity, Detail, and Realism for the chassis side, as for the body, 5 for Design, 5 for Creativity, and 5 for Chassis Integration, meaning the chassis works well with the body and/or car design.

There will be winners for both categories as well as a best overall winner with the most points. Entries must be sent to me via DM, and a showcase post must also be made here.

Naming structure:

Trim: Frame Off: (Username) Variant: Car name


Ferrari 330 P4

Ford GT40

Porsche 917

Mercedes Benz 300sl

Porsche 956

Ford F100 prerunner

Auto Union Rekordwagen


Mclaren MK1A

Corvette IMSA GTP

Kamaz Dakar Truck

My own personal build, the Cagliari Palermo LM

These are only a few, let your imagination run wild!

The deadline is flexible depending on entrants, however for now I will set the Deadline at Febuary 28

Entries will open this Friday, 1/24/25

And with that, ask any questions or clarifications you’d like, and happy building!


A challenge to build a chassis (visually, that is) for any kind of race car? In any case, what game build are we using?


Forgot to specify.

I don’t like Al Rima because of the instability, however, if you absolutely must use it, go ahead, just be sure to specify what version of the game it was made on.

But I anticipate these being quite intricate so it may be best to stay on stable, as most engineering stuff doesn’t matter too much.


do we submit two files, one with the exposed chassis and one with the full car?

The Judging Criteria section doesn’t say anything about judging criteria. Detail? Stiffness, weight? If so, how those are determined? Versatility? If so, relative to engine variety, body variety, or something else? Do you want just a frame, or suspension, driveline, body, interior…?

If possible, yes, that would be preffered.

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This is a design challenge, so typical challenge rules specifying statistics and such are almost completely obsolete. Because of the wide range of vehicles one could build for this challenge, there are very few if any rules at all in that category.

Also, just a quick note, I’ll post a rule revisions list the day before submissions open so people have a chance to look it through and make sure their car is compliant in the very slim chance it is not.

Rules are rules. Judging criteria are judging criteria. What are they?

I’m afraid you’re missing the point. This challenge is a design challenge, meaning it challenges the creative aspect of the game. The object of said challenge is to build a Race car, alongside a detailed chassis. The rules are designed to be relaxed so stuff like this can be ‘embraced’ and widen the demographic. As cringe and cliche as it sounds, the point of this challenge is to think outside the box and be as creative as you can. A general objective has been made clear, and it is now up to the entrants to decide how to interpret it.

No, I get the point, I’m just not confusing rules with criteria. So… creativity a judging criterion? Level of detail as well, I assume?

Just realized what you meant lol, my bad on that.

A set level of detail is hard to pinpoint exactly, however, you are correct; a chassis, engine, suspension, driveline, and interior are all necessities.

As a detailed chassis is the main objective of the challenge, the goal with the chassis should be to make something as realistic and close to a real life counterpart as possible to fit whatever kind of vehicle you wind up making.

Hope this helps

What will the 15 points be given for? What’s the overall balance?

Is it “5 points for creativity, 5 points for detail, 5 points for realism”? Is it “10 points for creativity, 5 for detail”? Is it just “15 points overall based on how much you like it”? What are the actual criteria for how points are gained and lost?

Do you care about how likely it is that the car as presented would work? Are you going to perform full, rigorous Finite Element Analysis, for instance? Probably not. Do you just care about it looking like it might work? Do you care about it just looking good?

I’d recommend taking a look at how the criteria are laid out in other challenges. There’s multiple systems in use for challenges:

Note that, in many of these challenges, where a point is subjective - like “realism” or “design” - it’ll be elaborated upon further.

In addition… Are you specifically looking for a car with a space frame? According to the rules and criteria as written, there’s not really much of an issue with a straightforward, simple ladder chassis or with a stressed monocoque where most of the chassis is just panels… But you’ve implied that you want a space frame, with the inspirations, the way you discourage skateboard battery platforms (which actually take effort to design in a realistic manner, because any battery which can store a lot of power is actually a bomb) and the comment about frame rails and a roll cage not yielding particularly good results.

While I believe anyone can improve their skills and be great at running challenges, there is a certain expectation that hosts should be able to communicate what they want upfront. When your hosting history consists of one challenge abandoned without notice, you tend attract a higher level of scrutiny.


More spam about judging… is it more about how the car supposedly works or how it looks? As in I make a 800 cc i2 turbo hydrogen hybrid with all the piping and explanations to go with: the exhaust comes from here to turbo which spins the generator that powers the front wheels, or is it more about “v12 good?”


Ok, let me clear things up and respond to you all.

First off, @AMuteCrypt

You have some great points I should have taken further into consideration, so allow me to clarify and update the judging system.

If you don’t mind, I’m going to implement a modified version of your idea.

So, to clarify:

I will allocate 5 points to Creativity, Detail, and Realism for the chassis side, as for the body, 5 for Design, 5 for Creativity, and 5 for Chassis Integration, meaning the chassis works well with the body and/or car design.

There is no one chassis design in particular I look for, however, there is a limit to simplicity as I stated earlier, because one could just use premade whole chassis fixtures or just send in the base game chassis and call it a day. This now overrides the previous limitation of frame rails and such. I also extensively encourage more irregular chassis styles besides spaceframes, for example I know of at least one person building a dakar truck and another with a dakar rally car. The inspirations were just things I thought of off the top of my head and don’t directly relate to what you have to build.

As for skateboard chassis designs, while yes they take time to design and are far from easy to make, they are the least visually appealing in my opinion because its, well, a skateboard. If you want to do an electric powertrain, go ahead, I just wanted to prevent someone from putting a slab in between two motors and calling it a day.

As for Retro Racers, I completely understand that people may be skeptical, but some context to that challenges demise is necessary.

First off, for a first challenge, I bit off way more than I could chew and collected a large panel of judges, thinking it would make for fun results, as well as a ‘pre-judging’ stage that honestly just complicated things. Communication between the judges was hard to manage and for someone with an active life outside of Automation, stuff got in the way and I was unable to complete the challenge. This challenge is far different, for I am the sole judge and there is only one round of judging, like any other traditional challenge. I also have way more spare time now than I did before, so judging this challenge will be far less of a burden.

I do appreciate the concerns and feedback, however, and feel free to ask any other questions or clarifications let me know. Entries have not opened yet specifically so I could ensure the ruleset and everything was as coherent and made as much sense as possible.

As for @ErenWithPizza

If the earlier statements didn’t clarify anything, allow me to properly address this question.

You can absolutely do something like your hybrid idea, and no, a space frame is far from the sole chassis type allowed. Be as realistic with it as you can and I’d love to see how it turns out!

That should clear all of this up, so sorry for any confusion, and as I stated earlier, ask any other questions you have, I’ll address them all.


Something I forgot to add to the previous post:

Several people have asked how I want them to display your chassis, to which I have a few options.

You can make the body and chassis separately and then merge the fixtures together in the end. (I can provide a detailed explanation/guide if necessary)

Or, with some cars, clamshell hoods and such openable features can be removed to expose whatever lies underneath (by cutting them out manually or assigning different paint slots)

If anyone has any other ideas for display, run them by me and I’ll consider them.


Could you please edit OP to make it clear at first sight what will be judged? Also to easily keep track of things as we build (or in my case, try to)


Done. Should be a lot easier to read now.

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The OP has been officially updated and gone through. Entries are now open!

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Can you explain how to do this in the OP or make a dedicated post?