Game freezing on loading screen

DxDiag.txt (25.4 KB)I just bought the game and when I launch the game, I get the Automation logo and the camshaft animation. The “O” on Automation starts to turn counter clockwise until the opening in the O gets to about 7 o’clock position then everything freezes. I have restarted the computer and even uninstalled the game. Nothing seems to work. I am attaching a DXDIAG file of my system for any help. Thanks.

Is that right before the valve cover should go onto the engine?
How long have you waited for the game in its frozen state? That loading stage indeed can take up to 2 minutes on some machines. :frowning:

I get the full loading screen with the Automation name and the 6-valve camshaft animation and the red bar at the bottom that states 'loading". I have let it sit there and try loading for up to 10 minutes before I do a ctrl-alt-del and close down the program.

Okay, first off: please attach the log.txt and the KeeEngineLog.txt you find in the Automation folder in your Documents.
In addition to that I’d like to ask if

a) you’re running on full admin rights on your machine,
b) you have installed the game in any peculiar place,
c) you have tried to run windowed mode and on different graphics settings with SSAO and/or FXAA turned off


KeeEngineLog.txt (3.04 KB)KeeEngineLog.txt (3.04 KB)
I am running with full admin rights on my machine. I have the game installed under c:\users\jlwright\doucemnts\automation. I unchecked all the boxes except for fullscreen in the settings of the game and moved the slider for quality all the way to the left.
log.txt (814 Bytes)

I added a .zip file showing me starting up automation on my computer. I should show the automation startup screen and where it is freezing. I left the loading screen up yesterday for an hour and it never moved.
automation startup (212 KB)

One more thing you could try (if you haven’t already) is to NOT install it in that directory, because that is the directory the game would create anyway and store other data in it. That’s the only weird thing I can see from the things you’ve posted so far. Could you give that a try? Install it in a non-user-specific directory, e.g. d:\Games\Automation

I just bought the $35 version of the game and I am having the same freezing issue at the same spot

Can you guys try out the open beta version that just was released?

I reinstalled the game in a new folder named “automation” in my c:/programfiles folder where I have numerous other games that all work on my system. I launched the launcher and allowed it to update to the newest version of the game. I then tried to run the game and freezes in the exact same spot again!

Just to check, are you reinstalling from the launcher? The Launcher is opening the Automation installer. Going from build 0 to 1362?

I completely uninstalled the game. I then installed the demo, launched the automation launcher and allowed it to update to the newest version. I then put in my user name and password and pressed play game. It then freezes in the same spot on the loading screen with the automation logo on top, the six valve animation and the red bar at the bottom that says loading.