So. Some Gaijin predescessors. or some cars that looks a lot just like it. here we are
I think it was called the raijin or something dunno. it looks like crap. and it looks like it wants to kill ya. but this is an oddball. one of my first cars i made. oh so bad i was. i had no idea about anything. so yeh. but the critique i got is the best thing that happened to me ever while i was doing this game. it helped me learn about the mechanics. thank ya and the rear. welllets sayy it sucks. lets look at the 2.0 i guess. it looks a lot like the Gaijin gt4. to be honest i think i was building on this when i made the Gaijin. hehe. not much to say. the rear. its bad just to say so.
well rear end blandness syndrome has apporached me at that time. now for the gaijin. check it out in the main part. cheers. Moushou Motors