It is the 1nz, a very fine motor from what I’ve read and it feels quite zippy about town. The XA automatic I tested felt a bit faster on city roads, but I think it’s just me getting used to the new clutch on this one, I’m kicking the firewall on shifts after the Tiburon’s heavy long throw clutch. It’s past snow season here, but I’m definitely going to start looking around for a set for next season.
Should be pretty great to drive. I tried a Yaris T-Sport (Yaris RS elsewhere?) and it’s pretty much the same setup, that was a sweet little car. Same engine is in my Prius but it runs a lot differently.
Yeah, the 1nz-fxe atkinson cycle in your Prius shared a lot of it’s components with this one. The gear ratio is set a lot shorter than is ideal for my commute, 4.3 final drive means I’m around 3k rpms@60mph, but I’m still hoping to nurse 35mpg out of it, not quite as much as my old corolla but still respectable.