Old Time Racing(ish)

Sorry to rain on your parade here but, the times on Automation’s test tracks are only measured in seconds. Not minutes and seconds, so the time actually is 2:35.66 :frowning:

Still fast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sebastian Machado’s Personal car (the flamboyant, brutally honest, short yet intimidating son of the founder)

Standard automation track time: 152.66 seconds.

Engine: Typhoon 242 X

Amenities: Luxurious interior

Hahaha, love the platform name. ‘Fart’ :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to name the car “The fart” because here there is an an expression similar to “goes like stink” that involves intestinal gas

By all means, label your car after flatulence.

so far who’s leading?

I believe its the fart-car

Why don’t you just update the leaderboard as and when people submit their entries? It will get people hyped up, and it will motivate them to one-up their competitors! :wink:

That would be very inefficient! :slight_smile:


That would be very inefficient! :slight_smile:[/quote]

Yep, that’s why I’m not updating it until I get enough submissions or its been a long time (maybe June ish)

Ah, right okay. Might I ask how many submissions you have at the moment? :slight_smile:

On this race? 5 or 6 :frowning:

Oh, really? Not much then… I may just have to put something together and enter then :wink:

Knock yourself out :smiley:

This is my entry. It is my first competition so i hope not to be in the last places :mrgreen: