More 50s bodies would definitely be nice. Would you think the Fiat 1400 is a good base for one?
I’m open to other suggestions, but I can’t promise anything.
More 50s bodies would definitely be nice. Would you think the Fiat 1400 is a good base for one?
I’m open to other suggestions, but I can’t promise anything.
Looks generic enough that it could be turned into several different kinds of cars. Coupe, sedan, wagon, and truck from that could be nice.
The delightfully generic Ford Taunus 12M.
The excellent Peugeot 403.
And the incredible Lancia Flaminia.
All three cars accurately represent early to late 1950s European styling themes for mid-size to large cars, all are relatively clean and simple designs with a lot of room for players to make them their own and all were available in a wide range of bodystyles (if you consider the Flaminia was also the template for the Peugeot 404 which came in every common bodystyle just like its predecessor)
The FIAT1400 was one of my fist choice
It must be different from the actual not-Austin-like body.
That was my other consideration next to the Fiat.
Some great suggestions in this thread. I’ll see what I can work with.
I’m planning a 50s American of some kind soon enough, so no need to worry about those.
@NormanVauxhall I agree with you with the Fiat 1400, it also fits well with the late 1940s time frame, as it has some similarities with 1947 Kaiser-Frazer. The car is smaller than now-vanilla Holden FX, but it has 2650 cm (104.3 in) wheelbase, which is 34 mm (1.3 in) longer than the FX. However, partario had to consider other 50s cars as well, as he can’t promise anything.
@thecarlover @TheRoadrunner I also planned to do the early Corvette C1 as a successor to the vanilla Austin-Healey. But thecarlover, which kind of the 50s American Car are you likely to do?, because I planned to do the early Corvette C1.
I’m looking at family cars, since we already have a few sports cars of the time.
As a whole, I find the car selection to be heavily biased towards sports cars in basically every decade…
That’s because we need 1000 HP V12 coupes in every decade! Isn’t that what the car industry is like?
Is it possible to do a car that has no roof? Something like this would be nice:
We need more race car.
But if I am being realistic here is something I would like to see:
Yes, more sports cars. R U Triggered @phale
We definitely don’t need something like an AMG GT
You are all wrong. We need MOAR LIFTBACKS. Come on, they were/are pretty popular in mid-class - plenty of Renaults, Citroens, Ford Sierra, Scorpio and Mondeo, Mazda 6(26), Toyota Corolla, Carina and Avensis, Nissan Primera… And we have none of them in the game except Ohm’s unmorphable Scorpio. Apart from them there is British Leyland’s Princess for 70s (good that it’s in 3 sizes), BX for 80s, huuuuge gap, and then Audi and BMW bodies for the modern years. And I think that this huuuuge gap could be filled by something more than incoming Vectra (big thanks for that, @partario ).
And, of course, we need MOAR coupes available also as sedans and sedans available also as coupes (again, big thanks for Partario for making some of such bodies ). In general, more variants.
Oh well, I wrote such an obvious post… But maybe it’s worth mentioning anyway?
Variant spam of existing bodies (which is part of what you are asking) is already planned.
Just look at what they did with the Morris minor (which only had a 4 door variant) and the golf (which only had a 3door variant) to see the kind of stuff they are planning on doing.
Well… Sports cars need more bodies because they have much more varied designs.
That said, i had to use an early 90s body for a early 2000s jap style compact because the game has a very odd choice of bodies that are IMO rather unusable.
Hoping I don’t get crucified for my ‘‘American redneck trash taste’’ as it has been called before, but I wouldn’t mind some 70’s and 80’s stuff since we don’t really have any late 70’s-80’s muscle except the Cutlass thing.
70’s Camaro or Firebird look (Since they are so similar):
80’s Camaro and morphable in to more of a Firebird look (Aka sleeker especially in the front):
Gee I love those turbo trans ams pity there a worth way too much down under