Put simply, a question of years... yours

Man, I really am young compared yo you lot.
My first system was a GBA SP (my dad bought the PS2, and it’s games for himself; the only reason he showed me how to use it is because I actively showed interest)

My first Conssole (that was actually mine) was a Gamecube.

Dear me, the Spectrum was no looker but that case is damn ugly compared to the proper one.

Well it was Soviet Union knockoffs, so what do you expect. It DID however run Stunt Car Racer and Turbo Esprit, which was all I ever needed :smiley: Hell if we go there, I did not get an NES, but I had a knockoff system of that aswell.

First 3 computer games I ever bought were on the Spectrum…I had the 16k with a 32k RAMPAK until the rampak fell out playing Checquered Flag

I love how everyone was sighing and puffing after running out of breath after telling everyone they were old farts and then all of a sudden someone mentioned playstation and off we went on videogames :laughing:

That’s how you get us old farts off track, invoke nostalgia :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yikes, I’m at the upper end of the spread. 44 years old.
I mean, a lot of you weren’t even born when i got my drivers license.:older_man:


The entire universe is a computer program, and reality is a simulation. We are all programmed to think and fool ourselves to be concious

i think the programmers forgot a couple elements for me, such as purpose in life, and friends lol

Hmmm… maybe Matrix marathons aint such a good idea.

Now, where did i put my DVD’s.:innocent:

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So then in the spirit of the topic I would guess you are a 2 year when it comes to functions but with the cognitive ability of a 19 year old. That’s how old you are right?

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The 13th floor… you can keep your “Matrix”

1986, the same year as many horrible US made vehicles.