Rivera Motors LLC

Also, I designed a new hatch/subcompact SUV to appeal more to the American buyers

I named it the Passion (Im remaking it)

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Alright, sick! Just DM me the download links and I’ll test 'em out

Now THIS is proper American muscle.

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Also, does anyone like my design language?

Also the Tachyon recieved a re-design because the old version was dookie wookie



Yea I changed the tire width and suspension a bit ago, and in doing so, I face lifted the thing again. Updated version is coming today

Posted, so now you should do a review on the new version if you want


I also love how your design language seems to just fit on every car

Detailed data is required

I dont think i put this here yet


This is that sedan: the Seaside. It’s my Flagship sedan pretty much


Love the design language its really great and unique

2024 Rivera Tachyon (Gen 3)

The Tachyon,
Fast, reliable, efficient, practical, and downright insane. All words that describe the brand’s premier V12 supercar.
Packed with a potent, 700 horsepower naturally aspirated ITB V12, the Tachyon screams its way to 60 MPH in breakneck time, while sending the power straight to the front and rear wheels.

The Tachyon is widely considered one of the last great V12 hypercars, after the fall and hybridization of Lamborghini and Ferrari. Rivera’s CEO, Rowan Jules stated that the Tachyon “Will and always will have a internal combustion engine, until someone tells us we can’t.”

For almost 570,000 USD, this amazing masterpiece on 22-inch rims, can be yours.

(Pictured model in Rivera’s Carbon Grey paint color)

(Oh my god, I FINALLY FINISHED this car. It took me hours of frustration just getting the aero and wheels right to fit my desired outcome, in Automation and in BeamNG.drive. Oh well, It certainly paid off in the end.)


I might go into some specific design features later

Rivera’s Brand Image/ Design Philosophy

Brand image:
Rivera’s brand image is described as being very innovation focused, and every Rivera car developed usually is very driver-oriented. This is likely because the founders of the brand were big fans of the BBC show Top Gear.
In a interview with then Head of Engineering and now CEO Rowan Jules, he said that he “watched the show for a very long time, and learned what should be considered when making a great car.”
Rivera’s motto is “Making good, better.” which states their innovative spirit and design language.
Rivera is associated with the color white, as Subarus are to blue, and as Ferraris are to red.
People who drive Rivera’s are thought to be either rich Ethiopian princes, soccer moms, or people who live in gated communities.

Specific design language:
Rivera vehicles and headlights are very attractive, with smooth, but complex body designs and luxurious interiors.
Rivera headlights are very round, and most of the lineup looks similar to each other.

Rivera also invented several new car features, like Smart Vehicle Diagnosis, Rivera Club, Religious features like reminders for prayers, the Gated DCT, Smart suspension springs (Like Mercedes ABC but more reliable), Split wings, Customizable gauge clusters, RVC (Rivera Variable Camshaft), and variable electric motors (For certain circumstances, like for quiet driving, and added cornering and acceleration.)

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I uploaded the tachyon :slight_smile:
