I would be interested if this were run again
I’d definetly join a Targa remake!
so is this still open? says Discussion so I assume, but I don’t want to start a build for a closed event haha
Also is the challenge the time we submit when we do the track ourselves? Or is it calculated by the calculator provided.
Excuse my confusion, first timer here.
I will review the whole thing in the new year and will let everyone know when it’s open again.
Honestly I need to look at the spreadsheet again as it’s been a while since I did it and I’m away at the moment. But it will be a combination of lap time and reliability.
I’d be down to run it again.
I have iterated on my design so I would have an updated design, but essentially the same vehicle.
Considering the prior references to supercharging, I would like to request being able to submit an additional entry out of the Al-Rilma alpha. I’ve made a variant of my entry that utilizes a centrifugal supercharger in the engine. Pitting the NA vs the supercharged version seems like fun.
Sounds good. Just downloaded Al Rima myself. Haven’t tested the multiplication factor for forced induction, but will maintain what is stated in the rules sheet along with the boost limit.
So the race time is produced by entering your car cost, lap time (Minutes and seconds separately), service cost and reliability. This will give you a race time in seconds for a 25 lap race.
Ok, so this is open again for entries. Initially i’m going to say that cars, lap time screenshots, car cost, service cost and reliability should be submitted by Sunday 19th January with a mind to announce results on the 25th. Feel free to post artwork or lore not only about your cars but the race in general as well. If people think this is too long/ short lets have the discussion here. I will punch the data into the spreadsheet but feel free to make copies for testing purposes. Any questions let me know, but please read the rules and discussions prior to asking. Good luck.
How much is service cost important? Soft race tires increase service cost by about $5,000, so I’m a little worried about service cost
I think lap time will be more important. Its only going to change your times marginally unless costs are in the 10s of thousands. I think both me and fabiremi had around 3 ish seconds lost a lap. This is just to simulate a few pit stops over the race duration.
Doing the event doesn’t actually give me a time anymore, so before it gives me the end screen I have to look at the ingame timer as im crossing the line
As you can see ive crossed the line, however no times are recorded.
Still interested in this though!
Oh ffs
Ill take a look at this when I get a chance. I guess there has been an update to Beam at some point then?
Hi everybody.
New to this forum and this challenge is quite nice ! Currently in this era in Campaign mode and have exported a mid engined model from it. I will present you soon the Ober 838 GPI ! After a few updates because of my many crashes during the test sessions …
Also tried to run a lap time and can’t go past 1 lap and no time recorded.
If you would like, I’d be willing to colaborate with you. Just give me a DM if you’re interested
The beam challenge was always a standing start single lap. I’m aware of the timing issue and will take a look at it.
Oh my bad. I’m relieved though because 25 laps without a single crash is too much for me. And the track is really nice but tricky. A single touch with the wheels on a sidewalk and my steering is gone ahaha love it.
yes 25 laps would be a real challenge!!