The 2024 Trafikjournalen 24h of clunkers (NOON - 4 PM)

i think some collage of car photos and their names and drivers would be nice to have, so people could visualize what’s happening and who is who a little better. it’s a bit hard to find what car is what, especially when there is 100 messages full of text and pictures.


Point taken, may implement that for next round.


4 hours into the race, and a provisional 3rd place. A truely wonderful race it has been for the Turbo Terrors in the Vortex. The strategy for now: try to close the gap to the leaders and if that isn’t possible, well we’ll block everyone behind. And if it is possible to put 2 drivers at the same time, put Frederickson in the car toghether with Johansson together in it (Quick driver + Co-Driver).

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Captain slow< :grin:

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Yes, I saw the reference, lol.

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Team Highway Hooligans

Race, Noon to 4 PM

Jake grips the wheel at the starting line, feeling the shuddering of the Bricksley’s 206 cubic inch, five-cylinder engine. With his left foot holding down the edge of the brake pedal, he drops the car into low gear, then presses on the gas. The car lurches, tensing up against the brakes as the torque converter hits stall speed, waiting for the flag to drop. No sooner had they gotten the green flag, Jake dumps the brakes and buries the throttle. 200 horsepower stampedes out of the engine and to the rear tires… Where the “limited slip” (open differential) proceeds to dump it all through the passenger side rear tire in an Australian-inspired smokey burnout launch. A drop back to “drive” settles the car - barely - and the race begins. After a handful of laps, Jake finds a steady open space in the pack and stays in it, just trying not to play car pinball even if the others around him were less worried about their odds of finishing the event.

A half hour later, the WAZ loses the back end and spins on the track, looping the car out in front of Jake. In a panic and being used to front-wheel-drive, he hooks the wheel and floors it, trying to drag the nose of the heavy car below the skidding, crashing mess, only to flick the rear end out himself and slide backwards into the guardrail with a BANG. Fortunately, the steel bumper holds up fine, and even more fortunately, the Sedlak stomps the brakes instead of taking the whole front end off of the taxi. The DAW tries to pass the Sedlak as it weaves around the partially-stalled Bricksley (with Jake waiting for a safe time to rejoin the track), only to pinball the guardrail and cause the Phoenix to pile on its brakes.

“What a motherfucking clusterfuck this is! It’s like a pile-up on Interstate 90!” Jake grumbles, deciding if this was what waiting would get him, he’d just do an unsafe rejoin, firing the car down the track.

It’s 2 hours later when Jake again outdrives himself, this time only brushing the guardrail with the whole passenger side of the car while watching the incident between the ARVA and Torrento, though he smirks as V2 struggles to tame the Torrento’s wheelspin. Behind him, there’s a hard thud as the Brunelle plows into the guardrail and swings back across the track, followed by another light squeak as the Qua bumps-and-goes off of the rail, now missing some trim pieces.

Finally, Jake has to bring the Bricksley in for a fill-up with gas, and the large gas tank is “quickly” refilled from the Shitbox-Rally-standard gas cans as fast as the team can manage.

“Go, go, go!” Cody yells after the tank is full, slapping the fuel door closed and tossing the empties over the wall for Trevor to refill.

“Fang it, Jake!” Scott shouts, and Jake responds, smoking one tire in the pit for a few feet, rolling quickly-yet-mostly-safely down the pit lane, and having to stop at the pit lane exit because the Ishii was matching his speed.

The radio clicks on. “Don’t fucking sit there, you plank! Fucking goose it!” Cody yells. Jake floors it and the former taxi lunges out of the pit exit, the dual fake hood scoops obscuring the tiny Qua until it was too late. Jake rams the Qua with a sharp shunt, bumper to bumper, causing both of them to slide off the track.

Jake picks up the radio handle from the dash and apologizes. (@Angelustyle ) “Sorry, had a moron in the pit lane telling me to floor it, I floored it, couldn’t see ya.”



(extra speed/less weight now)


Race - Noon to 4 PM - Seinäjoki Speed Freaks

Go! Go! Go!

With Akseli inside of the Speed Freaks’s Sedlak Silva, the main objective in these four hours was to, first of all, get a feeling for the vehicle, finally being able to analyze the handling at higher speeds and on the track itself, and immediately find out what was wrong with the car. And for Akseli, it was incredibly clear what was wrong, the handling was absolutely horrible. Mind you, the 1.8L 4 cylinder turbo engine pulled like a train, and the brakes worked well enough to make it stop in time before the corners, but the handling was absolutely unpredictable, partly the cheap tires, and partly something else that he didn’t know about, until now. The car was understeering in corners, and oversteering out of corners, causing the cautious Akseli to get startled by the snap oversteer. The walkie-talkie was always on, in case of problems, with him or with the cars.

Akseli: Voi Vittu-

Mikko: Is everything alright?

Akseli: The Brickley hit the guardrail, I almost rammed into it!

Mikko: Anything wrong with the car?

Akseli: Well, nothing now! It’s understeerin-SHITSHITSHITSHIT!!! Snap oversteer! I got it, what the fuck did you do to the car!

Mikko: The rear suspension was collapsed, and I put tractor springs-

Akseli: YOU FUCKING IDIOT! That’s why it handles like shit!

After this moment of fear, Akseli continued to drive out of the corner, hopwfully Akseli will be able to keep the car steady enough and not lose too many positions until it’s Mikko’s turn. He’s attempting to safely get into a corner, but it seems that luck wasn’t by Akseli’s side, as he got rammed from behind by the Astral.


Mikko: What the fuck happened?

Akseli: Some idiot rammed into my ass! And we lost the rear bumper!

Mikko: Keep driving! And try not to crash man.

After giving the middle finger to the driver of the Astral, Akseli and his Sedlak continue the race. His attempts to catch up with the Globus were unsuccessful, the large American car’s engine was more powerful, and any attempts to catch up to him in the corners were unsuccessful, something HAD to be done about the back end of the car kicking out. Attempting to catch up to the Astral and the Globus, he barely manages to avoid a crash that might have meant the end of the race for him.

Akseli: Oh no! You fucking don’t!

Akseli completely slammed the throttle down, the back end of the Sedlak almost kicking out as all the power was sent to the four wheels, to try and avoid a crash, hitting the rev limiter of the engine and the straight-piped exhaust with cheap chinese muffler starts spitting flames as Akseli bangs the limiter, before switching gears. The accident was hopefully avoided, but he had to do SOMETHING about the stability of the Sedlak.

Akseli: You either fix the fucking car, or I’m out of this. I don’t want to die because I oversteer into another car.

Mikko: Pull in the fucking pits! We’ll inflate the rear tires! Hopefully they don’t blow out.

Akseli: Alright, alright-

The car pulls inside of the pits, where Mikko was ready with the air compressor. He would quickly inflate the tires even more than how it was suggested, hopefully this would improve the stability, at the risk of the tires blowing out, and a much stiffer ride, hopefully compensated by the tractor springs.

Car status:
Loss of rear bumper: Less weight, higher risk of damage from rear-end collisions.
Over-inflated tires: More stability, reduced snap oversteer, stiffer ride, risk of blow-outs increased.

Driver status:
Akseli: Tired, quickly downing an energy drink before driving away from the pits. Aggression slightly increased because of the stressful environment, still cautious about the status of the car.
Mikko: Hyped up for the race, getting stressed out hour after hour. Aggression increased, caution decreased.
Jani: Blissfully sleeping :sleeping:



The Description of the Team

Last Episode (“Reunification with familiar faces”)

Race Episode 1:"To finish first, first you have to finish"

Not too long after noon.

Ryoga was putting on steady lap times. Even when their car was amongst the slowest on the field. They had a hard time trying to catch even the Cutter from Team Left for Dead. But then they saw the Flint approaching from behind… That was just after 6 laps, and the Flint was by far the fastest car in the field.

María’s instruction to Ryoga was… weird, to say the least.

Ryoga:“María !”
María:“Yes ?”
Ryoga:“There’s the Flint behind me, I think it’ll lap me…”
María:“They are the leaders indeed… Let them lap you.”
Ryoga:“What ? But, didn’t you want us to be comp…”
María:“I said let them lap you ! What’s important right now is to keep that wedge going.”
Ryoga:“OK… As you please…”

And so, Y.E.A.R. would leave way to those willing to pass.

Even by some point the Qua was lapped by the Cutter. By 2 PM, they were far down in last place, but Ryoga was being surprisingly careful… That was until after 2 PM…

Around 3:30 PM.

So far, the Qua was one of those cars which hadn’t suffered much damage. Ryoga was his most careful yet, until he finally went overconfident and hit the guardrail just after the Brunelle did the same…

…of course, María was pissed just after…

María:“Ryoga, You baka ! Baka ! Bakaaaaaa… (interference)…!”
Ryoga:“Sorry. Hey, at least Hou, Ángel and Catherine are there to look for the damages, right ?”
María:“Yeah, yeah, come down to the pits, we’ll fix whatever you’ve… (interference)… trim pieces down on the track, so we’re leaving debris behind…”
Ryoga:“The car still feels fine, though !”
María:“Good to hear… we haven’t DNFed on your stint…”

María’s stomach starts to grumble. Eating that cheese sandwich for breakfast was anything but good for her already dwindling stomach. But she’d resist until after her stint… She still had time to think about stuff and the effects of the lactose intolerance hadn’t kicked in yet.

Sadly, when Ryoga came for a small pit stop for damages, then came the Bricksley, which shoved the Qua from behind. And while Jake from the Highway Hooligans said his apologies, not only did Ryoga not get the message (Radio is really causing trouble now!), but María’s reply was anything but kind…

Ryoga:“Guys, no problem… Ehhh, You got that on the radio ?”
María:“Stupid Hooligans ! Couldn’t you wait for an itch…? (Interference)…”
Jake:“Hey, calm down… I didn’t meant to do that… Just some moron forced me to accelerate… I’m sorry.”
María:“Yeah, sure !”

After coming off the Radio, María calls Catherine… She’s next to drive… Catherine, at that moment, was “busy”… eating.

María:“Catherine ! Come here, your turn is coming up !”
Catherine:“Hmph? Ifs my tfurn neft ?!?”
María:“Yes, it’s your turn next, C’mon, get yourself ready, we don’t want any trouble or delays !”

Ángel, in order to get some inspiration to the team, gets his phone and puts on some music for the team to hear on the radio… This may work, he thinks.

Current Status of… The Car

  • Chassis hasn’t suffered much damage. Can still drive.
  • Trim Pieces missing, paint on left side having scratches.
  • Taillights and Rear Bumper heavily damaged, but still attached.

Modifications/Repairs/Inspections made: Cosmetic Repairs, duck tape on taillights, really short inspection under the chassis.

Current Status of… The Team

  • Ryoga: Tired but Inspired, about to be swapped.
  • Catherine: Hungry, slightly distracted, about to get in and drive. Caution decreased for the first 30 minutes.
  • María: Stressed and Nervous. Aggression increased, caution and skill decreased. Having slight sickness due to lactose intolerance.
  • Ángel: Calm, and Inspired. No changes in status.
  • Kanna: Energetic, happy. No changes in status.
  • Hou: Nervous. Skill decreased.

Team Activities: Playing some music over the radio to the Qua, makes everyone feel slightly more confident and inspired.

Mentioning: @Madrias


Team Off-the-Books, Post Noon-4

After Sam’s run-in with Team Traffikjournalen’s ARVA, caused by an overly aggressive passing maneuver by Sam, and with the lead the team had accumulated, Hans spent a fair bit of time lecturing Sam over the radio about the need to be more cautious, especially with the lead. Sam pushed back that the team needed to build up a lead early since Hank–admittedly not the fastest driver–would be taking overnight turns behind the wheel. Sam also argued that with the iffy condition of every hose, gasket, and who knew what else on the worn old Flint, the team could use as much of a lead as it could get in case major repairs were needed at some point. But Hans kept pressing, and Sam eventually conceded that she might try to be more cautious.

In the meantime, Hank, who had insisted on two hour driving shifts and having each driver off for a consecutive 8-hour rest period in order to minimize safety risks associated with drowsy driving, was sleeping on a cot in a tent set up near the pits, only to be woken if needed to help in the pits.

Proposed strategy change for 4-8: +1 to caution, -1 to aggression for Sam Prescott


Lap 1 team radio

Viv: I did not know it was possible to get that much wheelspin from so little power.

Clara: If it was Jamal driving he absolutely would have done the same.

Jamal: I can confirm, I was not expecting that much power. I probably would have done the same. Atleast the tires are warm now, well, its not like the heat makes any difference on these things. How old did you say they were?

Viv: Well the date says 1992…

Jamal: So those tires are older then all of us?

Viv: I guess.

Clara: If you guys are gonna slag off the car can you not do it on the team radio. I’m trying to concentrate.

Viv & Jam: Fine…

Lap 63 team radio

Viv: Jesus clara what was that?

Clara: A love tap. Or a pit maneuver, same thing really.

Viv: How is that legal?

Clara: I don’t know it is lol.

Viv: You are insane, you know that accident involved like 3 people behind you.

Clara: Ok, A: it wasn’t an accident. B: They were behind me. I am simply using my experience to my advantage.

Jamal: Yeah well can you make sure that “experience” leaves a car for the rest of us? I dont want those ‘speed holes’ getting any worse.

Viv: Yeah, its better to finish last then not finish at all.

Clara: I disagree.

Viv: Of course you do…

Lap 167 team radio

Clara: Maniac

Viv: Why, whats happened,

Clara: Whoever was in the Globus cop car just did their best me impression and had a slam into my rear. Lucky I caught it before I spun.

Viv: Any problems?

Clara: Not that I can tell, ironically the car designed to spin other cars has come off worse for wear then a tinfoil coupe with plastic bumpers.

Jamal: Bet you that turned on the hazards

Clara: For that to happen they would need to work.

Viv: Ugh, just get on and drive will you?

Lap 256 the pits


Viv: You know fuel stops are mandated to take 15 minutes right?

Clara: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Jamal: Also, it wouldn’t hurt to calm it down a bit you know.

Clara: Pha, like you wouldn’t be doing the exact same thing.

Jamal: Hey, when i use aggression I do it safely. No damage to others, and more importantly, to us.

Viv: Speeking of damage, after all the hits you’ve been taking you’l be delighted to know the ‘speed holes’ haven’t gotten any worse. At some point I might have to put in those rebars, but by then any weight we’d gain from them would be lost as little rust flakes across the track.

Jamal: Am I the only one whos concerned that those are critical structural peices?

Clara: Relax, the steel is somewhat corrosion resistant.

Jamal: Thats not what I said, I said that those “flakes” are little bits of a car that used to hold it together.

Viv: I mean, if the chasis failed in the middle, the driveline would technically hold it up, but i wouldn’t want to test that.

Clara: Will you stop reminding me this thing is sketchier then a pen and paper in an art class? Now check those tires and fill it up. I want to make this stop last longer then absolutely required. Jamal, get ready. You’re up next.


Part 4: Jan drives

mentioning team AWAAP by @Rambow and YEAR by @Angelustyle

“Please don´t die…”

“Baby, I know what I am doing. Last year was a bit unfortunate but this year we have a heavier and larger car. I hope the heating is still working, Brrrr!”

“I know, but…”

“JAN! GET IN THE CAR! We are starting in a few minutes. Remember, just mind your own business and stay out of trouble. For the really fast driving, that´s my job.”

“All right, Thomas…”

Jan and Chanty kissed and gave each other a high five, and then he proceeded to the starting line. Jan had an average start, and even if he was a quite slow driver, had some pace to stay in the front half of the field. He could have been further up in the rankings, but remembered Thomas instructions: No hard defending, not risking damage to the car - the tactic was to not wear off the car while others do, and catching up at a later stage to exhausted material.

The inevitably happened after 3,5 hours of racing. Thomas and Chantal were peacefully sleeping, when the walkie-talkie woke them up. Thomas was the first to respond, while Chanty´s habits for getting up are a bit more…relaxed than that of her father.


“WHAT? Was it bad?”

“Don´t think so, the other car looks fine.”

Thomas and Chanty, who managed to put on shoes, ran out, just to see that the Globus is about to lose it´s front bumper.

“What car was it?”

“The Astral”

“How does that thing have no damage but you are losing the bumper and a fender? What the hell have you done?”

“This thing is oversteering as fuck, and it was just a really minor incident, I have no idea why the car falls apart, you were the mechanic then!”

“Just get in the pits, that´s a two minute thing with duct tape, and the tank is propably in need of refill anyway. I don´t want to have debris lying on the track and slicing up the tires.”

“THERE IS ALREADY A LOT OF DEBRIS I HAVE TO AVOID! But yes, we shouldn´t make the situation worse.”

While Chanty grabbed the walkie-talkie, Thomas looked for his “first aid kit”, a toolbox with some useful things for small repairs.

“Honey, stay away from Clara for a while then, I know her and she is very competetive and… will propably be quite mad at you, she does have a bit of temper…”

“Don´t you tell me to stay away from other girls all the time anyway?”

After a quick fix, the Globus was no longer a threat to others, with the sharp corners taped, and two additional screws secured the bumper.

“Quite some rust there, no wonder the structural integrity at this exact spot is that of a banana. Let´s hope the car isn´t that weak at some important structures, but I have checked, the galvanized frame seems still good, it´s just the sheetmetal that has seen too much salt. I might be needed in the pits, but I also have quite a long stint later, I will go to sleep again. Chanty, you give me company?”

“Nope, its my turn in two hours anyway… I´ll go to Y.E.A.R. as I think they need a bit of support, they are dead last… if I was them, this would seriously fuck me up.”

“All right, but be on time for the driver change. I don´t want to let Jan drive longer than planned, because I want to finish top 3 this year.”