The Early Days of Motor Racing [Race 1 CLOSED - Results Pending]

DISCLAIMER: This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but is bigger and more ambitious than anything I’ve attempted before. It will, therefore, likely run into a few unexpected issues/difficulties/questions/etc, but I will attempt to deal with these as fairly and transparently as possible. If there’s anything major that affects everyone, I’ll likely put it to a vote as to how to proceed.

The Early Days of Motor Racing Challenge

Challenge Background:
Motor racing’s origins are rooted in the very first days of the automobile, but it wasn’t always the controlled and polished sport we recognize today. In the beginning, these cars were far from efficient machines; they were ungainly, difficult to control, loud, unreliable, and dangerous, and the often eccentric drivers behind the wheel were seen as fearless adventurers, addicted to the rush.

This (ambitious but hopefully ongoing) challenge seeks to explore how motor racing has transformed dramatically over the years, experiencing the change from what once was a wild, untamed challenge to a more organized, rule-bound competition, governed by strict regulations.

Challenge Details:
There are two ‘layers’ to this series – 1) the overall challenge that includes world events, team scores, and progression of the timeline, and 2) the individual race events themselves.

For the overall challenge:

  • This challenge will primarily be an Automation challenge, however I will also be using my experience driving the car in Beam.NG as a modifier to the automation scores.
    • This means that if your Automation scores are great, but the car drives terribly in Beam, your scores will be reduced but will still be ‘good’ and competitive overall.
  • The challenge will start in 1900 and time will progress (usually) a small number of years after each race.
  • People can enter up to two (2) manufacturers in the overarching challenge.
  • There will be a series of races that occur as time progresses, but these races may be different styles / classes / etc (e.g. Endurance, Closed-Circuit, Road, Rally, etc).
  • People can enter each race as they see fit (each race is optional).
  • Some races will allow multiple entries, whereas others might limit to only 1.
  • I will attempt to come up with period-realistic rules for each race (I’m not an expert, so these will be roughly correct in spirit, not in the exact letter of the rule).
  • I am primarily interested in running this with a combination of fun and realism. This means that I will not unreasonably penalise / exclude / bin a car if it isn’t 100% accurate to the time period, however I will definitely reserve the right to discard an entry if it is completely unrealistic.
    • I’m not an expert, so if your car has orange indicators 5 years before they were introduced, I really do not care. Similarly, if you are running with four exhaust pipes on your 3-cylinder luxury barge I won’t exclude it (although I will make fun of you).
    • For situations that are a bit more debatable whether you are bending vs breaking the rules in order to get an unfair advantage, then it will be more case-by-case. I will always try to err on the side of giving cautions / penalties (that outweigh the advantage) rather than outright disqualification.
  • I want to have some sort of ‘bonus’ for people that enter the same car / series of cars / series of races, to simulate getting experience and R&D & help keep an older car competitive & build up a story / reputation with particular iconic vehicles (also so people don’t necessarily need to build a new car ground-up each race). Options that I’m thinking of so far include:
    • Bonus quality points
    • Bonus tech points
    • Bonus Stats points (performance? Reliability? Etc…
  • There will be much more variability / variety in the races than what is often done in challenges, so that it’s not simply a case of one specific car being faster therefore always winning. There should be an element of chance and unpredictability in it. I will attempt to simulate mechanical breakdowns / driver error / random happenstance in a fair way.
  • I will potentially enter my own cars into the competition to see how they stack up, but will never win (mostly because I’m not that good, but also as a hard and fast rule).
  • If not covered by rules, I will try to post up some general guidance for each race as to what sort of performance is expected / realistic.
  • I will be happy to answer questions on whether things are within rules / realistic enough / etc before each race, and will publicly post up both question and answer to be transparent to all.
  • It would make me very happy if people used this challenge to build up their brand’s lore / history / achievements, but that’s obviously not a requirement!

Current Challenge State:
Year: 1900
Overall Status: It’s a clean slate!
World Background: Automotive racing is in its infancy, and whilst humans have been humans and many people have been involved in individual private races, there hasn’t really been much in the way of larger and more organised events.

(This section will detail the current state of the world and updated manufacturer rankings as time progresses)

Race 1 Details
Entries Due: Saturday, 8 February 2025 at 00:00:00 UTC Time

Please let me know if you have questions / ideas / concerns / comments / anything else constructive to share!


We’ll need some 1900s-era body set mods to build our cars, but we can get those from the Steam workshop.

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I personally wouldn’t go with negative quality for this one. having to set all or nearly all techpool categories to 0 would make more sense to simulate cars in their infancy.

Cars from this era are heavier than they look and not everything was as stripped down as others. a max weight of 1500kg would make more sense with both automation’s limitations and allow for non completely stripped out bomber racers.


The problem is that the earliest year in Automation is 1946, so definitely not cars in their infancy. I’ll probably end up saying everything -15 as default but then give an allowance to spend wherever desired?

You are correct! However these rules are for the 1900 Gordon Bennet race event (which reflect the actual minimum and maximum that was allowed in reality, and were definitely not ‘showroom stock’ cars).

But I will probably raise these, as it’s actually difficult to get down to this weight with most mod bodies I’ve found so far.


I wish there were a few more variants, but what is there is a reasonable base :slight_smile:

there is also the ability to go into the negatives on techpool, which also goes down to -15. I’m suggesting to use techpool instead of quality to do the simulation because it shows what the company has access to in terms of technology. -15 on the quality sliders implies the cars being absolute shed-built shitboxes. And while yes, the difference in technology available between 1900s and 1946 is a large difference, i would not say that cars built as racecars in the early 1900s are built that much worse than the average car in '46. Also with the way that automation thinks large engines are very fragile at the beginning of the game, having mandated quality that far down removes the likelihood of cars like that being made. also techpool is a good way to do the rewards you mentioned for consistent entries, because it would be like the companies investing time into Racing R&D.


You can provide some mod bodies that are suitable for this challenge in the inspirations gallery.


I really like the idea for this challenge, I had plans for something similar that I ended up dropping.

What I’m worried about is that the early years might not get many entries like the Vintage GP challenge I hosted earlier this year.

What’s your opinion on customer cars? As in I make a basic full 3D car and “sell” it to other teams to modify it and change the engineering.

Also are open wheel bodies allowed?


Good point thank you - I will investigate!

Agreed, i’m hoping that people might take the plunge with some early cars if the rules aren’t too strict?

100% happy with people providing bodies or engineering. Especially in the early days, it was really common to have custom coachwork or individually customised / tweaked engines etc.

Open wheel bodies may or may not be allowed depending on the specific race itself. But for this first one, yes - both open or ‘closed’ wheel bodies are allowed (noting that closed wheeled really just means over-fenders at this era).

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-15 techpool would essentially set you back 15 years, so it’d get us to 1931. A little closer. Quality itself doesn’t necessarily set the years back, just rather the quality for that specific techpool unlock. I think it’d a good idea, just make sure you follow through, or atleast give a definite end to the challenge if you’re not feeling up to the rest of it :slight_smile: too many slackers recently.


Making usage of the prestige stat could be a way to simulate the attractivity of the car/company to skilled drivers. Having a better driver could reduce a drivability penalty or increase sportivness.
At the end of the race each car will be awarded a prestige bonus based on how they performed (representing reputation increase / lesson learn during the race), making them better if you want to use them on the next race.


lets go!!! 2L I3 making 19hp and 34 Torqs.

Proof of concept only


The biggest issue will be to build a 1900 engine…
They had big engines (120 to 140 mm bore and stroke) with a very low redline (around 1000 rpm) that we can’t replicate in Automation without talking about a 4 gears gearbox.

I tried to make one with full -15 techpool it’s ok as long as we overlook the 380k estimated cost without spending quality :rofl:

To go futher, I mad the same car with -15 quality, that’s somehow manageable and you end up around 10k estimated cost.

Both of them use a 2.5L Inline 4 engine so not very time accurate.


how much power did you make?
Mine was also everything -15 it was kind of fun to try and get it to run all the way to 2K haha

The first one with +0 Quality manage to get 31HP and a Redline at 2500 rpm.

The one with -15 quality manage to save a bit more than half of it…

For both of them the Crank torque limitation was really a pan in the ass…
To be able to run pass 2K I really reduce my Stroke and max up the Harmonic Damper :sweat_smile:


I got 40 kW from 3.0L engine during testing.
-15 Quality and Tech Pool

Is reliability supposed to be that low?


With -15 Quality and Techpool we can’t expect a lot of reliability.
My Inline 4 get 10.9 reliability.

What engine configuration are you using ?
I quickly tried some 3L configuration revving at 4500 (exept for the inline family who can’t) and was still be able to get at least 8.5 reliability.

B6 but i had to change it to 2.2 B4 and to fit under the max weight requirement so i have now 10.9 and 26kW. :neutral_face: Max weight is too low to allow interesting engines.

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This intrigues me, though this early makes me want to be lore accurate which would be a modified stage coach. Not sure how competitive it would be but a four horsepower motor would make an interesting contrast.