TMCC38 - Contract Angels (ROUND 1)

TMCC38 - Contract Angels
by Yurimacs

1992, January
San Fransisco
"The fall of communism"
"The end of recession"
"The resurgency of pop culture"
"The start of another war"

While the Cold War is officially over, America still has something to worry about and not just the recently devastating economic recession of '89, America still needs to clean up its act on crime in the street.

The White House has secretly developed a new regime of a secret “bounty hunter network”, aiming to incentivize crime-stopping act as the norm.

Bound by the circumstances that the world entails, two young women see this as an opportunity to test their mettle and crack down on criminals, kingpins, and potentially other bounty hunters.

Meet the Characters!


Elizabeth DeKromer
Age 27

Elizabeth moved to the USA with her mother in the 70s when tensions in mainland Europe got too much to bear for her parents.

Half-German, and Half British; She knows a thing or two about cars (She often hangs more with her dad than her mom)


Liza Hopkins
Age 25

Born and Raised in the Californian state, she's rather redneck with her obsession with guns and tech.

Elizabeth’s first and best friend that she met at secondary school; often hangs out with Elizabeth after school (sometimes bringing her along to a nearby gun range)


What are we building?

Basically a 70’s/80s grand tourer souped up from factory (or from a tuner company) to be used as the main character’s ride for the entire series

Who’s driving the car?

A late 20s young hotshot woman who can drive pretty well


- Running on stable version
- Model/Family year set within 1970-1990
- Trim/Variant year set to 1992
- Wheelbase limit from 2.3m to 2.9m
- Maximum techpool limit: 75M COMBINED
- Maximum cost limit: $50,000
- WES 8 minimum
- 2/3 doors only (Coupe/Liftbacks)
- 95 RON
- No seating arrangement limits
- Minimum Safety: Basic 80s
- No race parts (engine and car trim)




It is kind of self-explanatory; If it isn't, do some research on what comes on factory tuned cars of the era. I will cross-check feasibility of any engineering and design choices made from any of your entries.


As the main character's car of choice, it must have good showing of dynamics.
(Performance stats will matter).


Even though Elizabeth is better than the average joe when it comes to driving, she is no Ayrton Senna! So at least give her something that isnt too feisty and wants to kill her.



If something performs just as well, if not better for a fraction of the cost, we will most likely opt in for that option (the production studio has better ways of spending their budget).


The production will require multiple long blocking and recording sessions, and as per the production studio, the last thing we want is a car that will not turn up to the scene when we need it.


While not exactly a problem for Elizabeth, both Liza and the production studio are quite observant of how a car looks. If it doesn't look good in action scenes, then forget about it!



While all of the perilous stunt manouevers are handled by a stunt driver, we want to make sure we can minimize any damages occured by any accidents from our crew.


While they want to keep a low-profile to avoid any unwanted attention from their rivals, both Liza and Elizabeth do want something that people in the know can identify and make it their "trademark".


Elizabeth and Liza will be sitting in the car when they have to, Elizabeth isn't too fussy about ride quality, Liza on the other hand is more susceptible to complaints (not that you have to comply but it is bonus points).



We will have in-studio mechanics that will deal with the maintenances of everything in the studio set, including all the vehicles. It will not be a problem at all, though that said we can't exactly go overboard too much.


Fuel is cheap.


At some point in time, Elizabeth and Liza will have to take a detour in the worst case scenario (like 5 offroad points is more than enough in this case).


While we can adapt our script to having to use a different car or character when it comes to carrying more than two persons, it will be an added bonus logistic-wise; Cargo isn't that much of a big deal (at best, Liza will pack 3-4 bags worth of guns and equipment).

Oh by the way, the girls have gave us a list for you guys to decipher, it looks to be vague descriptions from the looks of things. If you will, you don't have to do all of them, at least getting two or three in would be great I guess.



- Innovative

- Elegant

-“Seductive Aura”



- Muscular

- Presence

- “Dynamic Pleasure”


Music to listen to......



Given the model/family year range and trim/variant year requirement, if someone thinks they can somehow squeeze a Testarossa/512TR-like mid-engined supercar into the budget (in real life, the Testarossa itself debuted in late 1984, but the updated 512TR didn’t go on sale until 1992, so something like the latter), they might as well go for it - especially considering the fact that it turned out to be as much of a GT car (albeit a mid-engined one) as it was an actual supercar. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone submitted a mid-engined entry of some sort… especially considering the lack of restrictions regarding engine placement.

The C4 Corvette (introduced in 1984, still in production by 1992) would also be a good example of inspiration for this round, as would the 928 GTS (a 1992 trim year facelift of something that launched in 1978).

With that in mind, I might revisit something (which falls within the model/family year range) I made earlier and give it a '92 facelift, to keep it compliant.

And would the film crew accept a convertible/targa (or a coupe made to look like one, especially if the base body set isn’t available as a convertible of any kind at all)? If not, I’ll create a coupe version of an existing convertible/roadster instead.

Last but not least, do the model/family year range restrictions also apply to body unlock years? If not, it may be possible to use something like the '92 Evade for something debuting in 1985, with the actual submission being based on the '92 facelift - as long as enough body techpool points (7, to be exact) are used.

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Wow this looks really fun, I’m excited to try to come up with a car that is somehow both ‘elegant’ and ‘muscular’

Imma knock two birds with one stone!


Knocked a Carrier! The CBC Carrier


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I was heavily reluctant in putting convertibles/targas in the mix because IMO they are disadvantaged against its coupe variants. I will give the go ahead and I will try to balance it out during judging, though making a coupe look like a convertible and vice-versa will be discouraged .

I will allow creative techpool tinkering to unlock bodies later than set model/family year.

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Or should that be later than the set model/family year? The latest allowable model year is 1985, but if anyone wants to use any of the '89 Ice Cream body sets, they could - as long as the body tech pool setting is +4 or more.

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rectified my answer

Oh good, because I already made it a targa top, would make sense as it was a 80s iconic feature and would make sense to see it in media. Specially how much a targa top can enhance scenes for chases and such!

I’m feeling extremely confident about my entry


Was the entry deadline not added to the ruleset?

I decided to leave that off until deliberation week, but expect 2-3 weeks window for entries submission


Just to check these should be using 70’s/80’s tech and options? the 1992 year is just for when the film is set? or should it be a car first released in the 80’s and still in production for 1992 for example?

I think its a car from that era thats been tuned and modified in the 90s?

The base model must debut between 1970 and 1985 inclusive, but the trim submitted (based on that specific model, of course) must also be an updated and tuned one for 1992.

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I believe he meant is it supposed to be used or fresh from the factory ?
As in the car was new in 1984 but has been modified for the movie in 1992 (therefore the trim year is 92), or does it have to look (I guess) new ?
(even if it was not the question’s meaning, I’m interested in the answer^^)

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Can we get a clarification on the year sector? I’m confused now from reading other’s question, do we need to use a body from 1970 to 1985 but we can use 1992 tech?
Way i took it, as you’re asking for a supped up version of a car, is that the car already was around and this is a special variant of it at a later date. (Like the Terminator Mustang to normal one)

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get a hint from the inspiration list; the car itself needs to come from 1970-1985 and whatever is unlocked inside those bounds from techpool, but the trim year is 1992. think “gunsmith cats”, which was written/drawn from '91 to '97 (presumably set in the time period too) and featured lots of vintage cars:


as a (real) chicago resident i can confirm this is what chi city was like in 1992


Yeah, to add my own thoughts after reading the lore and stuff, it’s not meant to stand out like a sore thumb, at the very least a brand new sports car would, so going back a few years makes it blend in much better. Plus, this is a TV show/movie remember. It could be set in any time period and just happens to be filming at the current date.