False, I live near a downtown area of a town where the average IQ is in the single digits.
TNP is also surrounded by people with single digit IQs (internet doesn’t count).
False, I live near a downtown area of a town where the average IQ is in the single digits.
TNP is also surrounded by people with single digit IQs (internet doesn’t count).
Tralse, it looks better but I haven’t been to Italy so I wouldn’t know
TNP think cyclists in the Netherlands are fricken insane
False. I don’t know what cyclists are like in the Netherlands…
TNP is hyped for the GTX 10-Series GPUs
Couldn’t give a smaller fuck.
TNP manages to be super busy and bored at the same time.
Tralse. I get into that occasionally but not always.
TNP likes to plan things in a lot of detail
True! I think too much about possible outcomes
TNP is currently extremely busy
False, though I am at work.
TNP releases all their production models as open source.
False, I should but much of the Fahrzeug series is waiting for Multiplayer!
TNP has a car classification system for Automation
Tnp doesn’t
TNP is defined.
Oh… False.
TNP is a fan of Dillon Francis.
Who’s that?
TNP likes Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions.
TNP likes 80’s rock and/or Hair Metal
Tralse. Impartial.
TNP is Junkrat.
Tralse my property has stuff all over it some stuff dating back to 1888 I don’t collect stuff but wouldn’t sell anything either.
TNP lives in one of the oldest towns in their state
TNP lives in one of the dumbest towns in their state/province/country.
False, though I question some of out neighboring cities…
TNP has used an arc welder.
False, since I live in the socially liberal, tertiary educated heart of the state capital a stone’s throw from the University, several teaching hospitals and their medical school, quite the opposite.
TNP knows martial arts.
EDIT: freaking ninja again! To Bob’s question, false.
False. I can flail my arms around like a lunatic but that’s it.
TNP likes animals.