True or False: Forum game


TNP lives in a country where some dumb, racist politician is about to get in a really important position.

False, that racist politician will ail in the general election and lose to another and the only female candidate who is only slightly better but still terrible.

TNP thinks that this is true.


TNP is Yes!


TNP is hi


I hope so @Sillyducky, sadly itā€™s not only the case in the US ā€¦

TNP got to know Automation from youtube videos.

True, failraces lets plays/challenges

TNP wishes more people did automation lets plays and challenge videos

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True, I think YBR should do some, he played about a year ago and then left it :frowning:

TNP likes YBR

True, but mainly for his stuff

TNP is [Trucks Honking]


Tnp is locomotion


TNP is lemons.


TNP thinks the lemon head thing from the Hitchhikers guide o the Galaxy works

False. Not because I donā€™t believe it, but becauseā€¦ shockhorrorā€¦I havenā€™t read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxyā€¦
ā€¦please donā€™t hurt me?

TNP loves Lord of the Rings

False. Not my kind of movie.

TNP is Divisible by 0

True. But if you do, I will trigger the apocalypse.

TNP likes Radiohead.

False not really my thing Iā€™m more a Sepultura sorta guy

TNP \m/

True, I listen to many things, and am not at all averse to a thorough headbanging.

(But Radiohead is really very good.)

TNP has a scar on their torso.

I mean, I have two on my back, but I donā€™t think that counts.

TNP is a Kappa

False, I am an Adidas.

TNP has tried snowboarding.

False, but I have tried skiing. And jumping on skis. But not ski jumpingā€¦

TNP has had surgery.

false. stitches yes. surgery no. almost though.

TNP is bread