Vintage Grand Prix - [DONE]

It’s a bit late,no?

  • Well, at least a Podium! Yay!
  • And yes, it should resemble a Crank Handle.
  • Fun Fact: I tried 3d Modelling. But the Result looked worse than the Type G😂

But to be honest, a great Review.

see this is why i never do this bs😭 officially quitting automation


nope lmao


uhh still no. take a very long and hard stare at my flag scheme and look back at the french flag. red white and blue≠blue white and red

Unique Paint Schemes wasn‘t a thing back then. Sorry.

Huh, I actually won. Look at that. I’ll be entirely honest that I made my car after seeing the first entrant was just, not correct for the era. Even called it a Spite Car as I was making it :joy:

Honestly even with the win, certainly sad this didn’t get more a turn out for such a unique challenge but it is a complex design base.


Oooooof… Yep 100% my bad. I completely forgot about the wheelbase limit for some reason! :sob:%

That aside, thank you for the kind words - even though the design is deceptively simple, it took a very long time.

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