Mad a mad CTE Polonez for my trophy
Chicken roam freely near his car.
Doubled his engine
Has a super original avatar. .
Is eyeing pyrlix’s chickens a little too much. (shake n bake?)
Is still talking about those chicks that run around my car
Has had startup problems on his Drift Vivaro
Will be driving awfully soon.
Tuned the HCW SB2 with Pleb…
Makes the HCW CEO gone crazy because of the power with a small engine
Has an extremely high octan rating.
His joke made me laugh for ten seconds straight
His comment made me laugh for an additional 10 seconds!
Finds humor in finding humor.
Broke the chain of humor.
Doesn’t find humor in me finding humor in Cobaltgirl finding humor in humor.
is now using humor inception.
Makes a lot of pop culture and intellectual references.
Might be on to the fact that I’m a nerd.
Is a nerd.
Lives in a very warm place. Also has an awesome race competition about to start.