"What do you know about the person above?" Forum Game

Has a frickin’ cool avatar.

Is just 3 years older than me!

Should get off my lawn, youngun!

his car is older than me. It still would outrun me, because racecar.

Writes the best rap lyrics.

Stopped one of the coolest forum games by being mysterious.

Let’t try to get this game started again.

Bumps old threads for the sake of it (good idea though :slight_smile:)

Regrets not going to the World Cup, held just miles from his home.

Builds amazing engines.

His car company built a 1100HP hatchback

Has gone on many valiant quests to regain his status as King of the Hill.

Usually uses SOHC

The only father-son partnership on the forums.

Has a cat that can’t predict the World Cup.

He has a dog who likes to stay out in the rain.

Only came onto the forums recently.

Has annoying neighbors.

Has a company named after a town in Russia known for diamond faceting.

Took over the account his dad used to have

Recently graduated (from university i guess)