"What do you know about the person above?" Forum Game

She recently changed her forum icon

is basically the master of running community challenges apart from Der Bayer

is not a cow… and does not know when he’ll have the money to actually ‘buy’ automation

(like seriously, can’t we just ‘pay’ for all your contribution when you can’t afford it, so you can have the game, and you can contribute even more?)

is kool

recently moved from New Yorlk to New York

Has a picture from Gran Turismo 5 as his profile background picture.

is 1yugeltit backwards.

Also makes great Photoshops.

Is Estonian

Completely missed the humor of [quote=“partario, post:1127, topic:1030”]

Thought I missed the humor, while I silently noticed it and just moved on :yum:

Currently states they are from Norway

Owns an 80’s Mustang


Has a rare pink sheep for profile pic

Is a lovely person.

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Has changed her profile picture a lot of times.

Is secretly actually Richard Hammond

I’ve mistook them for pyrlix a couple times


Has been on the forums since 2012.

Lives in multiple places.