Makes horrible puns about Tom’s design choices.
Made the first ever engine used in my cars.
Strongly dislikes American cars.
Lives in America and actually knows about Football (don’t call it soccer )
Have surprisingly high scores in the first 4 beta car scenarios
Lives in a country (denmark) with quite high car prices
Has a friend named Alexander.
Posts almost on every single post in the forums, spamming his nickname all over the place
Is totally not guilty of doing the same thing .
Made a tutorial about big V8 engines to be hosted on AutomationHub!
Had his second car be a carbon copy of the mustang (exterior)
Has a weird taste for cars, as has once said that the F40 is very ugly.
Is the only brazilian car maker in automation i know
Is extremely good at guess-the-car.
Tuned my F20
Somehow gives me the feeling he is a Czech Republican… but probably isnt.
Forgot the apostrophe for “isn’t”.
Values grammar more than the actual content.
is good at pointing out grammar nazi’s
Is good at pointing out people pointing out grammar nazis