WOSSOM: Join Anytime! (Factory Car Submissions OPEN untill 19th)


Overall Summary

The year is 1946. Start your car company, roll out a seemingly boring model for the masses, and then—bam!—unleash its true potential by turning it into a fire-breathing, tire-shredding competition machine. The more you profit, the more cash you’ll have to burn rubber on the racetrack. Remember, reputation is king! The better your cars perform in competitions, the more street cred you earn, boosting your sales and carving your name into automotive history. By the end of 1990, the player with the highest reputation points takes the crown—along with some serious bragging rights.

WOSSOM blends strategy with speed, offering a challenge/mod for Automation and BeamNG.drive that brings a multiplayer campaign mode to life. It’s the perfect ride for those who love cars but prefer a laid-back, stress-free vibe—because who says you can’t have a midlife crisis and a career in motorsports at the same time?


It’s pretty straightforward: build your car in the Automation game following the rules for the upcoming deadline, export it as a .car file, and upload it using the submission button. Remember, factory cars must have all quality sliders set to zero. For competition cars, keep a close eye on the quality sliders—you’ll need to check how much quality you can use in the rankings table.

Not familiar with Automation or BeamNG.drive? Trust me, there’s a treasure trove of information out there. You’ll need Automation installed, and while BeamNG.drive isn’t essential for now, I’d highly recommend having it. You’ll want to make sure the Automation Exporter didn’t accidentally turn your car into an atomic bomb instead of a roadworthy machine.

WOSSOM is played in rounds, each with multiple phases. Here’s the breakdown:

1946 Schedule - LINK

Check it out at wossom.net

WOSSOM: Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday
​ Build, Race, Repeat!

Factory Car Summary

Car companies are clawing their way back from the wreckage of war. From Gasmea to Archana, every nation is eager to hit the open road again. Most of the market is betting big on family cars—it’s a safe choice, but the risk of oversaturation is real. This leaves the door open for companies bold enough to explore creative alternatives, from rugged delivery vans to sleek, luxurious sports cars. Success will depend on outmaneuvering the competition in a market that’s getting more crowded by the day. And don’t forget: looks matter! Aesthetics will be key, as they’ll be scored for a quality boost in your competition models.

Factory Car Rules Discussion

Rules discussion: Since we’ll leave the dirty work to Automation by using its own sandbox sales system calculations before applying the multipliers, I don’t see the need to get too uptight with the rules, at least till we reach the competition car submission phases. If something’s way off, Automation should penalize the sales, right?

  • Model / Trim / Engine Max Year: 1946
  • All Quality Slider: 0
  • Techpool: Everything to +5
  • Interior will not be judged.
  • Minimun sales: 1*

*After all the cars are submited, a 100% margin will be added to the approximate cost calculated by Automation. That is when you need to have at least 1 car sale (also automatically calculated by Automation).

Factory Car Inspirations

transferir (2)
transferir (1)

images (2)

1/4 Mile Competiton Summary

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to prove that your factory’s post-war engineering is more than just rationed tea and stale biscuits! We are cordially inviting you to participate in a Drag Race competition so thrilling, even the Queen might drop her monocle.

Now, before you rush to bolt a rocket engine onto your Aunt Mildred’s old Morris, there’s a bit of a catch: your competition car must be a trim from an approved factory car. Yes, that means it needs to share the main components with the vehicle you somehow convinced people to actually buy. No Frankenstein creations allowed—unless it was assembled with all the leftover bits from your factory’s questionable inventory!

And just to keep things interesting, you’re free to make some “creative modifications” to the bodywork. Need a few extra holes for ventilation? By all means, drill away! After all, nothing says speed like a few strategically placed gaps in the chassis.

Oh, and one more thing: don’t forget to check just how much of the quality slider you’re allowed to use on your creations.

The starting line awaits, and so does eternal glory—or at least until your engine explodes. Ta-ta, and may the best bit of wartime scrap win!

1/4 Mile Competition Car Rules Discussion


  • Quality: Different for each team. Check the rankings table to see where your company stands. You can adjust all your quality sliders up to your quality bonus. For example, if you have a 7 quality bonus, you can set all sliders up to 7. However, increasing all sliders doesn’t always lead to better performance. In some cases, like with the exhaust system, using negative quality may give better results.
  • Model / Trim / Engine Max Year: 1946
  • Techpool: Everything to +5
  • Interior will not be judged.
  • Small Bonus/Penalty Reputation Points may apply for looks

Shared components from the factory car:

  • Body model
  • Panel material
  • Chassis type
  • Engine placement
  • Front Suspension
  • Rear Suspension
  • Engine block
  • Block material
  • Family Capacity (variant capacity modification is ok)
  • Head and valves
  • Head material
1/4 Mile Competition Car Inspirations
Speed Record Competition Summary

Alright, folks! Big news comin’ your way! We’ve got ourselves a Speed Record Competition, and it’s goin’ down on the Salt Lake, not in Utah—this one’s somewhere way dustier! Now, listen here—this ain’t your typical ‘run what ya brung’ event. Nope, you gotta start with a factory car base. That’s right, engineers, designers—ya can tweak, tune, and soup-up anything under the hood or body. Aero fixtures? Sure, we’ll allow some, but the car’s still gotta look recognizable. Don’t bring us a plane on wheels! We want speed, but we want style too. Let’s see who’s got the guts and the grease to hit the top!

Speed Record Competition Rules
  • Quality: Different for each team. Check the rankings table to see where your company stands. You can adjust all your quality sliders up to your quality bonus. For example, if you have a 7 quality bonus, you can set all sliders up to 7. However, increasing all sliders doesn’t always lead to better performance. In some cases, like with the exhaust system, using negative quality may give better results.
  • Model / Trim / Engine Max Year: 1946
  • Techpool: Everything to +5
  • Interior will not be judged.
  • Small Bonus/Penalty Reputation Points may apply for looks

Shared components from the factory car:

  • Body model
  • Panel material
  • Chassis type
  • Engine placement
  • Front Suspension
  • Rear Suspension
  • Engine block
  • Block material
  • Family Capacity (variant capacity modification is ok)
  • Head and valves
  • Head material
Speed Record Competition Inspirations



  • For now, I’ll be driving the cars in live broadcasted events.

  • Each round can feature multiple competitions, each with its own submission, inspection, and last chance phases.

Planned Features

More Automation campaign features, but not too many to keep it somewhat casual.

Integration between Automation, BeamNG.drive, and WOSSOM.

Players drive their own cars or hire (real or AI) drivers for multiplayer competitions.

Real and AI Drivers Market.

Reliability affects breakdown rate.

Engeneering time affects time spent to release a new model.

Production units and factory size affects maximum monthly sales.

Multiple models per company.

Multiple companies per player.

Museum / Hall of Fame page.

Unique Advertizing Page for each company.

Subscribers Pages will show the information contained in the Rankings table exclusive to the player’s company as well as the historic for sales and competitions.

Overall and class championships for each type of competition.

​ Ready to build, race, and rule? Join WOSSOM and start your journey to automotive glory today!


I signed up, the rules page wont change when you click next it just refreshes, and i cant upload the .car file, it just shows the file under upload after i select it from directory.
Please assist or check you end, thank you.


Thanks for trying it out! I have actualy only made the first rules page. The others will be done soon. I removed the next and previous buttons for now so it doesn’t create any confusion. Working on the car submission button now.


The WOSSOM timeline begins in 1946 and ends in 1990 - so why not create a sequel to this called WOSSOM 2.0 spanning 1990 to 2020? It would only be possible to do so after the original WOSSOM has ended, though.


This looks super fun!!!

Can our companies be from real world or just automation world?


Sure! I wanted to make it a bit smaller using the decades I like the most, but any date can be used. As a matter of fact I plan on releasing this tool to anyone who wants to host when it is more or less finished

Your call! You can even make a mixed one if you want. From my small experience it is a lot harder to mimic a real world car than creating a similar one.

Still working on the submission button. Unfortunatly Wix don’t allow .car files. I did find a workaround by ziping the files before uploading, but I’m still trying to find something more straight forward.

Instead of having us register onto some random site, how about putting the rules here and having us DM you the .car file?


I plan on doing this as well. If it is ok, I will create a forum page for each challenge. For now I created a submission form on Google. Players will be able to choose how they prefer to send it.

I believe the subission button is working fine now. It will redirect to a Google Forms page.

It is not necessary to register to the site anymore, but maybe it will for future features. It is still necessary to have a Google account if the player chooses to send the .car file throught the site tough

Site updated with some fixes and new texts. Rules discussion for the first phase now open.

Just wanna quickly note that I love this idea and will definitely join the party!


i have some questions:
how do the ruleswork regarding the model years? if a car is still in development at the end of 1946 can we still use it? because 1 year to make your first car is a bit difficult.
seemingly there aren’t any rules on starting cash/starting factory size.
similarly: do we need to reach a certan sales threshold with the stock car? or can we just sell like 1? Do we need to have the same engine displacement for the race versions/chassis type? Does the race car need to be a trim or a separate vehicle? Do we need to sell the racecar in career mode? if we dont need to sell it, then donwe need to engineer it fully, or can we just make it then not do the engineering?
also (most importantly) are we making a car for every year?

i feel like this is critical information for the challenge, so i won’t start till i hear back.

I believe most of the answers are in the description. Apologies if it wasn’t clear enough. This is not like the campaign mode in Automation. You don’t have to worry about money or factory size—at least not for now. As I mentioned earlier, some campaign features might be added later, provided they don’t make things too complicated.

how do the ruleswork regarding the model years?

If a car is still in development at the end of 1946 can we still use it?

You don’t need to worry about development time. As long as you submit your .car file on time and it passes inspection, it will participate in the weekly sales. That’s all you need to do. The profit is calculated by adding the same margin to the base price of every car. This will be done automatically, along with the weekly profit calculations. The weekly profit determines who gets the best quality bonus for the competition models.

do we need to reach a certan sales threshold with the stock car?

That’s something I planned but forgot to mention—I’ll update the information on the site after answering you. Here’s how it’s going to work: When I receive all the submissions, Automation will automatically calculate sales of all cars in sandbox mode. For obvious reasons, at least one car must be sold to be included in the weekly profit rankings. Competition models don’t participate in sales, but must be based on the car that does.

Do we need to have the same engine displacement for the race versions/chassis type? Does the race car need to be a trim or a separate vehicle?

I’m still working on the competition rules, but I can tell you that the competition versions will likely all be trims based on the stock car, meaning some parts like the engine displacement will have to stay the same.

Do we need to sell the racecar in career mode?


Do we need to sell the racecar in career mode? if we dont need to sell it, then donwe need to engineer it fully, or can we just make it then not do the engineering?

We won’t be using career mode. For now, everything will be done in the sandbox.

are we making a car for every year?
You’re making a car for every round. The time spent on each round may vary. It can be a new model or a facelift. For now, only the last approved car will participate throughout the round.


Is there a price cap?

Nope. However, setting the price too high will put you at a disadvantage in sales compared to the competition.

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I didn’t catch it. Alternative for what?

  • 1/4 Mile Competition Summary Added

  • 1/4 Mile Competiton Car Rules Discussion Open

  • Site Updated

  • Spanish and Portuguese versions added to the site

  • Factory Car Rules updated

  • Car inspirations added for Factory and 1/4 Mile Competition Cars