WOSSOM: Join Anytime! (Factory Car Submissions OPEN untill 19th)

I just run mine on airplane fuel, its more realistic that way. (plus post ww2 has a lot of airplane fuel)

WOSSOM Trio Blog – Drag Racing, Speed Records, Public Feedback & Rafael’s Updates

Tati “Redshift” Markova: All the drag cars passed inspection, which is a pleasant surprise. However, some of you are holding back on quality bonuses, and while it might be strategic, I’d argue it’s best to maximize your car’s performance. You’ve got until October 7th for final adjustments, so make sure your machine is running at its full potential—otherwise, you’ll be stuck with what’s submitted now.

Speed Record Challenge Submissions Now Open!

Tati “Redshift” Markova: Now, onto the Speed Record Challenge. Submissions are open, and the rules are the same as the drag race—same quality bonuses and everything. But here’s a tip: adding aerodynamic fixtures opens up some aero sliders, letting you fine-tune your car’s performance. Just remember, we’re looking for cars, not rockets. Keep your designs sleek but recognizable—no flying contraptions, please. The goal is to break records, not break physics.

Rusty Throttle: Yup, tweak them sliders, but don’t get too crazy. If it ain’t lookin’ like a car anymore, ya might have gone a little too far. Keep it fast, but keep it real.

Benny “Boost” Parker: Man, I love me a speed challenge! Just make sure your ride still looks like a car when it’s breakin’ records. Style counts, people—keep that in mind!

The Trio Answers: Feedback from Our Readers

moroza: “Good stuff, but seems they were ranked by how easy to drive, not how fun? Check the spelling of my name, please. The build was a bit rushed; properly, the trim should’ve been called a Twelve Standard S, with a red S badge indicating a sportier tune than usual. Oh well.”

Tati “Redshift” Markova: Ah, moroza, your name’s been corrected, no worries. As for the rankings, they leaned toward drivability, but you’re right—fun doesn’t always translate through those metrics. I appreciate the attention to detail with the badge. A red ‘S’ for sportier tunes? That’s a proper touch.

PhirmEggplant: “IDK I like the VI, it keeps us guessing on what we need to make. If it was all you then the people that spend more time in groups with you will have an easier time making stuff that will score better. I look forward to seeing what you do with these events.”

Rusty Throttle: That’s what keeps things fun, Eggplant. VI levels the playing field, makes sure nobody’s got an inside track. Keeps it fresh and competitive. And don’t worry—we’ve got some wild ideas for the next round.

Dog959: “Are there any fuel restrictions for the drag racing version?”
Rafles: “For this phase, no. Is this a problem? Whenever you have an idea, a discussion or a correction, please send me so we may implement new features or fixes in the next phase.”
Dog959: “No problem, just checking since fuels like Nitromethane are a pretty big change in performance and not normally allowed but seem less inappropriate for a drag race.”

Tati “Redshift” Markova: You’re right, Nitromethane can change the entire playing field. No restrictions this phase, but we’re watching carefully. We want to strike the right balance without turning it into a fuel war.

PhirmEggplant: “Wouldn’t that destroy the engines since a lot of their max HP is so low?”
Dog959: “The engine I’ve got working would need to be rebuilt pretty often, it’d probably do less than 10 races, but you can get one that does run even if it’s in a lot of pain while doing so.”

Rusty Throttle: Oh, no doubt, Eggplant. You throw crazy fuel mixes in the tank, and your engine’s gonna feel it—especially at low HP. You’re playin’ with fire, but hey, some folks love pushin’ limits. You’ll probably be rebuildin’ more than racin’ if you go that route.

Dog959: “I just run mine on airplane fuel, it’s more realistic that way. (Plus post-WW2 has a lot of airplane fuel.)”

Rusty Throttle: Now that’s what I call authentic! Airplane fuel in a post-WW2 drag race? Sounds just about right to me. High octane, high risk—good times all around.

Rafael’s Updates

Tati “Redshift” Markova: And now, Rafael—our behind-the-scenes wizard. He’s been hard at work crunching data and even developing a custom GPT to keep us “consistent.” I’m skeptical he’ll manage to keep us in line, but I suppose it’s a noble effort!

Rusty Throttle: Rafael’s been workin’ his tail off, doin’ all that tech magic and preppin’ the event. We owe him big for keepin’ things runnin’. Maybe we’ll get him a cold one after all this.

Benny “Boost” Parker: Big props to Rafael! Whatever magic he’s workin’ is makin’ us look good. Keep it up, man, ‘cause we need all the help we can get!

That wraps it up for now! Get those final tweaks in by October 7th, and we can’t wait to see who breaks the speed records—just keep it lookin’ like a car, yeah?

— Tati, Rusty, and Benny, WOSSOM Trio


Pardon if these were addressed; I thought they might’ve been but I can’t find where…

  1. In what ways may and may not the race versions differ from roadgoing?

  2. Are the drag and top speed races done with the same car?


I believe the answer is in the quotes below. Let me know if I missed anything or if you think something should be modified.

Nope. One car for each competition.


All dates, starting from the last Chance 1/4 Mile Competition Car Submission Deadline, originally scheduled for October 7th, will need to be delayed a bit. As I mentioned before, I suffer from a health issue and will need to be hospitalized in a city that’s two days away from my home. I’m not sure how long the treatment will take, but I’m hoping a 10-day delay will be enough. Unfortunately, I don’t have a laptop, so I may not be available for a while. If anything comes up, I’ll reach out via my cell phone. I apologize for the delay. I’m really enjoying our challenge, and appreciate you all being part of it as it helps me keep my mind busy, motivated and away from negative thoughts. I expect to be back before the 10-day delay is over.


Wish you a quick and successful recovery!

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Nobody offered me a car so i couldnt enter :skull:
I will however have my own car for 1956.


Given the delay to final submission you could still enter, I assume any result won’t count to my brand but you’re free to enter using a version of my car if it’s allowed.
Phaeton_-_TC.car (41.1 KB)


i cant do it anymore, ive already got 2 projects on the go, so i cant really manage a 2nd one till the other ones are done (plus, me just doing the drag race seems a bit odd). but thanks for offering


Ah damn, I missed this one - sounds fun :frowning:

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Not my finest picture, everyone. This was my 8th surgical procedure, and I still don’t know what’s wrong with my head, but I’m glad to say we can get it going again. I was really looking forward to this. Slowly but surely, I’m starting to get things back on track. I truly appreciate all the support.


First Update After Returning: I’m working on making the instructions more straightforward, which led to a complete website redesign. A separate section with detailed instructions and an FAQ will be added. I’m still transferring features like the calendar, and I’ll also update the instructions here shortly.



Hey machalel! You can join at any time. Check out the website. I am updating the instructions.

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Oh awesome! I’ll take a look and see what I can hatch

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We’re getting close to the submission deadline for the Drag Competition Cars.

I’ve been working hard on updates. Some are already available on the website, but I haven’t posted them here on the forum yet. A cool feature I added through Wix is that you can now kinda play around with the inspiration pictures. Go check it out at wossom.net.

I’m currently working on the Blog/AI News page, and after that, I’ll focus on summaries, rules, and picture inspirations for the other car categories, as well as detailed instructions and the FAQ section.

Lately, I’ve been spending all my available time updating the website, which means I haven’t been able to meet with the AI team. However, I’ll make a post once we hit the deadline to showcase the contenders for the Drag Race.


(joining late)

1946 Alberre Guille - l’Avance (14CV)

(I’ll add more information here in a bit, but about to head on a short holiday and wanted to post this up before the 1/4 mile drag deadline. I’ve tried to ignore/not look at the stats of the other entries - not that it matters too much because i’m starting off on the back foot having no quality points to spend etc and fully expecting to not be competitive at all.)

Factory Model Stats


Drag Racing car submissions are now closed!

Stay tuned for the WOSSOM Trio’s take on which car Tati, Benny, and Rusty will crown as their favorite to win.

The results for the Drag Car inspection are scheduled for the 20th, though, as usual, I’ll try (and likely fail) to release them earlier.

Don’t miss the race on the 22nd! More details will be available in the WOSSOM Trio article and on the website.

Submissions for the Speed Record attempt are now open!


Breaking automotive news!

This morning two very different cars were spotted on Johnson Valley roads. They were missing a lot of parts, but they looked sleeker, lower and were very hard to photograph due to the high speeds these cars achieved. After a lot of research, We found out the driver of these cars, none other then Henry Regal and John Mitchel! Founders of Regal and Pioneer! It turns out these cars were created to see how fast a car can go, in a new form of competition.


The Romanian Saloon

The chaser trim is meant to push how fast the car can go was used to research the effects of air resistance on cars.
When they were done it looked very little like the base model. They flattened the roof and chopped the body down, even channeling the body over the chassis. this wasn’t enough for them so they boosted the engines performance as well.

The Mako Speedster is a RD tool as well as a speed record chaser. we striped everything from the out side and covered most of the grills.

Team found the car to be unstable on top-speed runs so they strapped a fin from a WW2 plane on the back of the car and increased stability increase by 300%

The VMC Coureur saltydog

A speed trim of the Coureur tuned for the desert speed runs

all models shown are concepts and finished results may change.


Not the first dragster DCMW has made, but definitely more stylish.

And a revised grill, while we’re at it.