'16 ARCHom *RESULTS 15-4*

I’m quite happy with severe penalties for going over, as opposed to straight up disqualifying.

However, I also recommend that you offer a revision in light of any actual rule changes, just in case!

I implemented that rule, as I’d had to get a few revisions from that person, so I’d given up. They were also being a hassle to work with.

Also, for part 2, the HP:KG ratio will either be 0.25hp:kg, 0.4hp:kg, or 0.5hp:kg. I’m currently unsure.

I think 0.3 could be a good value. The current WRC rules sets the minimum weight to 1200kg and the power of the cars is around 300-350hp (restricted by a restrictor plate).
350hp/1200kg = 0.2999… hp/kg

6-7 days remain. The Lack of entries disturbs me. I should start planning for Part 2.

Now, how do you make a track…?

Good question, ever since the update, it may have changed a bit!

I do plan to make an entry, except I don’t have time until next week.

The CNC shop engine parts count as a limited production?


Also, I’ve added a Poll about extending the Deadline out a bit to the 28th of Feb.

Deadline has been extended to the 29th of Feb.

Really surprised by the lack of entries. This is a promising contest.

I have two sitting in my inbox, but Haven’t checked them yet. I am also expecting one from Strop in the next few days, I hope.

So, I’m gonna be dropping the number of reviewed cars from 3 down to 2 due to an increase in workload, and decrease in free time that I have.

I will, however, Give small Blurbs about each car.


The fact that you have to build 2 cars, and then race them with the fact that you do not know the rules for actual racing, but are building just an econohatch has something to do with it.
You don’t build a homologation special when you don’t have a racecar.

Ding Ding Ding nailed it. Though I’m still going to give it a shot (I just forgot I had a talk to give which I completely forgot about until after I got back to work post exam, oops).

Compare this to Leo’s SOMWOM or whatever it was supposed to be, where the rules were laid out pretty much from the start. I’m going to be pretty pissed if I build an engine to allow for the ass-backwards approach and find the new rules disallow me from taking advantage of it. There’s just too many unknowns, and I believe this was already pointed out.

I guess you guys are right. Oh well, at least there are 11 competitors in total now.

here are the Rules for Part 2: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=9583

But that only means we got only 4 days left to create a rally car or several, test out different concepts, find one we go with, make a street legal version out of it while making it adhere to the rules of THIS thread and make it competetive in all those disciplines we’re scored in… Complicated, mate.

Should I extend the deadline further then, until the 3rd or 4th of march?

Unless others don’t want it.

If you extend - I will get a car ready, cause I’m pretty busy for the next couple of days.

Deadline is Being Extended to March 3rd.

Good for me too, I’m busier than expected this week!